Fleet tracker; thanks a lot!!! Only fished the big O 1 time in last 20 yrs. This trip is long overdue. Hopefully will pan out. Thx again my friend.
Hey guys, am new to the Henderson area. Years ago, back in the 90's had a 24 ft boat berthed at Mikes marina on the little salmon. Well, a lot of water has gone over the preverbal dam since then. Now I have a much smaller boat, however fully rigged. My Son is career military stationed at Ft. Drum and am planning a fishing trip with him this upcoming weekend. Have plenty of experience fishing for Spring browns; However am unfamiliar with this area. And am looking for suggestions. The two most obvious options are Stony creek or Westcott in Henderson Harbor. Any & all suggestions greatly appreciated.
How long does this infestation last? Headed up to fish with my son the weekend of Aug 15. Just looking for suggestions as whether or not to spool up with 40#line. we will be fishing the eastern area.
hey guys, not or nothing I kinda sit along the sidelines and keep to myself. However, this year seems a little peculiar !!! I have a friend who fishes Henderson Harbor for perch and he has done lousy.!! I, myself have fished Otsego lake and the upper Saranac for lakers with terrible results. I don't know what to say, only that this past winter was really tough. Never have I experienced such a tough fishing season. If anyone can articulate this proverbial roller coaster ride, I would greatly appreciate any and all thoughts.
Pap, there is more to come, but my wife is dead beat as she is bus driver and we are up 3:30 am and now getting ready to go to bed. She will forward better photos over weekend. Really glad for your support!!!
Pap, here are some photos of my son Austin. I hope it's ok that I shall add you as a friend!! If you ever want company fishing, send me a PM and I will give you his contact numbers. Ya can't go wrong, as he is one hell of a mechanic ifn ya ever break down.
Dances with fish & Pap, Really appreciate you're comments. Just got back from my Son's place IN Black River, NY. Did not go out Saturday because of wind, but he took me out to Westview lodge for a fathers day dinner. It was really a great dinner, and nice time. He also let me know that I'm gonna be a grandpa. He has done two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. He is now a W-2, Pilot flying Blackhawks, and I couldn't be prouder. If you are interested he sent me a couple of real cool photos of him flying in Afghanistan which I would be happy to post tomorrow. AS it's been a long day.
Last year I purchased a 16 ft dc Starweld that came with a basic Humminbird fish finder. The transducer is mounted on starboard side. I saved off my previous boat a Garmin 430-S Fish finder/GPS which has lake cartography. Does anyone see a problem if I wanted to leave the Humminbird where it is and add the Garmin with the transducer mounted on the port side. I may be wrong, but I seem to recall that the transducer should be mounted starboard. There is nothing in the Garmin manual that suggests either port or starboard.
Thanks in advance for advice
Hey guys, Thanks for all the help!!! At least now I am focused on Oswego if it's calm or around Point Peninsula for walleye if it's not too windy. Have a pretty good handle on salmon fishing, However, walleye is going to be a real learning curve. Something I'm looking forward to learn. BTW this website is quite an asset to anyone who fishes the "BIG O"
Appreciate the suggestions, and will head to Oswego weather permitting. However if it's windy do you think it's too late for walleye in the black river bay area? Not really fussy about what we're fishing for. And I do have planer boards.
Hey guys, Heading up to spend the weekend with my "Army" son who lives just south of Watertown. Will be bring my boat equipped with a depth raider, Garmin 430 S which is capable of bottom cartography, and two mag 10 downriggers. Just trying to figure out a game plan; as it's been a long time since I fished "The Big O". Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Woody, Much appreciate the update!!! If they are gorging that much, might explain limited success. However you definitely did take a very respectable brown. My son and I are going up weekend of 17 to 18 staying at Rainbow shores in a cabin. If ya sniff out any info between now and then, I'd be all ears. Keep in touch!
Woody, that sounds like a pretty good brown. Nice goin. My son and I are headed up next weekend, probably launch from Reiters and fish just off the pond. Glad to hear their still shallow. Jim