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May 13, 2014
Last visited
Tuesday at 06:45 PM
Everything posted by jth21usa
Hilton NY, buyer pays shipping or local pickup
Just curious, off of downrigger or poles?
Thinking about giving this a try this weekend. Is there a specific type of spoon being used?
Is it different than a fish hawk?
Question- is there a way to replace a transducer without running new line to fishfinder? I have a new tracker and the transducer isn’t very trolling friendly and getting a new transducer snaked to the console seems extremely difficult. Just looking for a upgrade not a project.
Everything was West last weekend between 125-200, by Braddock's all spoons and meat.
I fished out of Sandy and Braddock last week, agreed Braddocks is very shallow. Braddocks was slow (it was super rough and the afternoon when I went out) got one nice brown in the 1.5 hours on a spoon in 100 ft of water.
Sandy we got out early, fished for 3 hours before getting blown off. All the fish were caught between 190 and 220 feet right in front of the channel, 3 Kings, one Laker and a steelhead and 2 misses. All on spoons, all in the top 70 ft, meat rigs didn't move at all.
Has anyone been in or out yet? Thinking about giving it a try tomorrow.
You could also go somewhere like Sodus or Fairhaven and if the lake is too rough, just fish for Bass/Pike in the bays.
Thanks, is it as simple as getting the boat the speed you want and pressing auto pilot on the trolling motor?
I know this can be done, I'm just not sure how. I have a 19 foot tracker with s 82lb trolling motor, no kicker. Anyone got any tricks or tips?
I had a 21 for a couple of years, there were pro's and con's. The pro's were it seemed to handle rough water better than most boats, it was very dry for a 21. The con's were it was only 8 feet wide, which is a little slim for a couple people, also I didn't like how exposed the stern was. I ended up getting rid of it for that reason, it wasn't safe for a young child.
How is the channel right now, can I get a 31 inboard out?
Looking for a Aluminum boat, 16-17ft, non-tiller, hopefully made after 2000, trying to stay between 5-10k, let me know what you have in the Rochester area!
Does anyone have a depth raider display they want to part with? I don't need anything else besides the display.
Quick 2 part question:
1- does the screen work if the probe isn’t in the water?
2- if my screen isn’t working can I still use the Bluetooth app?
Agreed, but has anyone mounted one on the transom?
Has anyone mounted a transducer on a twin inboard on the stern? I only need to use trolling speeds for a fishfinder I'm mounting on the back deck.
Switched back to fish, pick up only. 12lbs (I think)
Hilton NY
What are the measurements?
How much leadcore does everyone carry in Spring? I currently have a 7 and 10. Is anyone running a 5 and 3 or is that a Walleye thing?
Check to see if you have 12v at the Solenoid if so jump the solenoid with a pair of pliers, if the engine turns over you know its the solenoid. If the engine doesn't turn over, turn the key and see if you get 12v at the starter, if so make sure the ground is good from the block to the negative on the battery. Sometime ill us a jumper cable from the block to the negative side of the battery just to rule out a bag ground. If none of that work you will have to bench test the starter.