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Everything posted by jth21usa

  1. Has anyone tried a kite?
  2. Has anyone ever tried to fish live bait for salmon or steelhead in the lake? I’ve been watch a lot of saltwater shows and was wondering if anyone has tried similar tatics in the lake?
  3. It’s really hard to find a price in any of these...
  4. Do you know what the price was per square foot?
  5. Something like seadek how did you start the process?
  6. Has anyone ever used fake Teak on their back deck? Just wondering the cost and complexity of installation. Any pictures would also be helpful.
  7. You can definitely put it in the lawn mower. A truck is little high value for me to experiment with.
  8. Why a third rigger? I have tried to run 3 and 4 riggers off of a 8 foot beam and unless the conditions were incredible it wasn’t worth the hassle. As I fish more I’m realizing that in most cases more than 6 to 8 rods aren’t catching me anymore fish.
  9. I was looking at a house on the creek, it fell through.
  10. Has anyone used these instead of wet-sanding? https://waxboss.com/products/5-1-4-denim-orange-peel-removal-pad?gclid=Cj0KCQjwguDeBRDCARIsAGxuU8bvaffdcJNFrdLNZJbltlosbswHY2YBdooQEyO4JGLgx7TPRPTzx_gaAuSjEALw_wcB
  11. Lowarnce 7TI Elite, being able to use the app so you can have the fishfinder anywhere on the boat is awesome.
  12. I've gone from running too many on my old 21 to running much less on my 31. What I've found is that running more than 6-8 lines does more damage than good. On a calm day I'll run the 3 riggers 2 dipsy's off each side (one mag, one regular) than a long line down the shoot. If there is a moderate wind or current the middle downrigger gets pulled and two of dispy's. Honestly I find catch ration has very little to do with how many rods are out there. Also if you do catch something and you have a crap load of lines out good luck getting them to the boat.
  13. Nope but you can by them used, I have one on a 31 Silverton and it does a reasonably good job keeping it in a straight line as long its not super windy. All other solutions were 1000’s of dollars. I think I picked mine up for 600
  14. Sportspilot
  15. I assume the Brockport Yacht club doesn’t take power boats?
  16. Does anyone know how high the Park Way bridge is? Can a fly bridge fit on the south side of the parkway?
  17. If I remember correctly there is also a way to get the codes without buying the software. I think it was through the rpm gauge on the dash.
  18. I think the 1999 225 is fuel injected so rebuilding the carbs are out of the question... I definitely would start by looking at the simple fuel problems (pump, filter) before I bought something else. I ran a 150 for years and it never left me on the lake.
  19. Did you check the simple stuff? Fuel filter? I had 150 hp 2001 that missed and it was the exhaust sensor.
  20. You don’t have to worry about rot. Just change the heat exchangers and let her roll.
  21. I just sold a boat last spring, if you sell the boat loaded it will sell really fast in April. Yes I basically sold $2400 worth of equipment for a addition $1000 for my boat, however it was only on the market for 3 days. The only thing I would think about taking off is the kicker. 7k
  22. Whenever purchasing a boat over 10 years old ask yourself 2 questions: 1. Am I handy? 2. Am I ready (time and money) for a project? if both are yes, let it rip. If not don’t. Even older boats in great shape need much more love and care than newer boats. justin
  23. The epoxy is usually much more expensive than the fiberglass cloth
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