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May 21, 2014
Last visited
18 hours ago
Everything posted by Reel time II
Twin Engine 5.7 Mercruisers, 260 HP
Velvet drive transmissions
28 ft. Long, 11 ft. Beam
Ready to fish with large fishing deck & bait station. Clean interior with good condition upholstery. Well maintained Great Lakes Fishing Boat with many recent upgrades.
· New Canvas Top & Aft Curtain 2023
· New Cuddy Carpet 2023
· Refinished Cuddy Stairs 2024
· New Cuddy cushions 2017
· Great Lakes Planer Rocket Launcher with Planer Reels
· Simrad AP28 Auto Pilot
· Furuno FCV587 Sonar
· Furuno NavNet 3D Chart Plotter
· Furuno Radar. Ritchie Helmsman Compass.
· Starboard:
o 5.7 L Mercruiser
o Jasper long block 2006 with 897 hours
o Seawater Pump replaced in 2022
o Circulator pump replaced in 2022
o Belts replaced in 2022
o Alternator replaced in 2022
o Hoses replaced in 2022
o Thermostat replaced in 2022
o Transmission Cooler replaced in 2022
o Starter replaced in 2021
o Ignition P/U replaced in 2021
o Carb. Overhaul in 2023
o Prop shaft stuffing box replaced 2019
o Cutlass Bearings & align transmissions 2019
o New Battery 2021
· Port:
o 5.7L Mercruiser Bluewater
o New Complete engine in 2007 with 897 hours
o Seawater Pump replaced in 2022
o Prop shaft stuffing box replaced 2019
o Cutlass Bearings & align transmissions 2019
o Thermostat replaced in 2022
· New Seastar Helm Pump and rear steering cylinder 2022
Boat is located at Henderson Harbor, NY. Boat should be in the water next week. More pictures to come.
No kicker , sensor runs off linkage to rudder arm .
Did you try Simrad tech ?
My boat has twin inboards , hooked to rudder arm .
Had problem with my AP24 , could not get past the dockside test and called Simrad's tech dept. and they walked me through some diagnostic tests . They were great to deal with and it ended up being a faulty computer .
Give them a try if you haven't already .
Thanks for the update on the class , looking forward to it as well !
Thanks for taking the time to write up the review on the ozone crusher , was also curious how well they worked .
Looking good , nice work Whaler !
Cobra marine VHF with DSC , MODEL #MR F 45-D . Comes with remote speaker as well and all brackets . SOLD , PENDING PAYMENT .
All in good working order .
$65.00 free shipping
That's a beauty , nice job !
Sorry to hear he passed , will be missed .
Rest in peace....
That's a good one GIZ9219
Have a cobra VHF with DSC model #MR F45-D with all brackets and remote speaker ,all working fine .
Looking for $75.00 shipped .
Ya Pap , we gave him a pass , let him get a little bigger !
Hopefully I'll find the sheds later on .
Had this guy pass under my stand this year !
Yankee Troller , will you be doing your electronics seminar as well ?
Yes Pap , they were just about that price , not cheap but no regrets ! If you have a bad back I would highly recommend them .
The seat height was about the same maybe a tick higher . I used the supplied pedestals, which kept them at about stock height . Still have good view through the windshield .
Smooth Moves is one of the best investments I put into my Lund Sport Angler and have held up well over the years .
Wow , been there many a time too , what a bummer !!
That one would fertilize several gardens !
Check out this 83 pound laker ,
In there yesterday , $8.99 a whack
Still available ,could email a pic if you want .
I'm in NH so pick up probably wouldn't work for you ?