Oh man, very sad. Back in the day when we fished the Belhurst hole December to February lampreys would come up and attach to the boat transom. Got out Sunday for a while, had one on for a couple minutes, 60 down over 80, Then a major clustermuck, but a beautiful morning on lady Seneca.
I may have found it. Looked as close as I could, may have found a blown fuse, but have to get in water to confirm. Last week I put a new battery in, possibly the wires touched. Stay tuned, going swimming...
Anyone out there who can identify a possible reason/solution why the power trim does not work. It's in the up position, good battery and tight connection. No click, no nothing.
A couple weeks ago my Daughter found a big laker washed up on shore with the telltale hole behind the pectoral..And she knows a big laker when she sees it.
Hoping that guys are reading this and taking some action. If the government hears nothing this will slide on through. We need numbers and help. How can a fisherman not want to help.
I would urge anyone interested in the health of Seneca lake to go to the website of Fingerlakes 1.com and read the articles by Peter Mantis regarding Greenlinge (sp) possibly being given approval to spew even more warm water into the lake. DEC, can you help?