A Daiwa 47 will barely get a 300 copper setup in reel but it will fit with braid backing. I have an identical set up as you. I use a Tekote 700 and 800 for my coppers. An Okuma 55 will fit 400 and 500. Hope this helps.
We will be out trying out the same program in the same areas as the past few trips out. Yet to break the 24# mark and swinging for the fence tomorrow. Gonna make it a long day.
Been seeing quite a few dead gulls and also noticed yesterday that there are quite a few kings floating around as well. We passed 4 that were all matures as well. Not sure if they are related but who knows.
Buddy was out today fished from 180-240 caught 5 lost 4 others all matures all kings. Fished from water tower to nose glow spoons and dew flasher and 42nd fly. 60-80 down
Hell we need a community golf cart there for the regulars and they need to do something about that porta potty. Thanks to whoever left the Febreeze cause otherwise need a gas mask.
As an observer you are responsible for recording each catch. Species, time, location and so on. Not all business but have to be vigilant and ethical as well. Just dying to keep honest fisherman honest that's all.
I will also be going out of Sandy tomorrow but not til mid morning. Last week we started off the pump house in 160' but I have heard hey have slid out and west. My plan will be to run just short of the nose in 160 and point it NW and head out til we find something. Probably gonna go as far as 300 west of the point and spin it back around and troll SE if we don't find anything in the first troll.
Damn only if I hadn't just bought my new 20 footer I would be all over this or if it had come up in April. It's killing me to keep looking at this every day. I try not to look at the ad but man it's tough
Well don't rule out the goby colors and some oranges as well. Mix it up a bit until you get the bite and then base your program on that. They do seem to change there mood as the sun gets higher up so having a good selection of colors would be good.