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Posts posted by Sea-IV

  1. It's simple I figured out. First step is to keep the fish slime at bay as much as possible with a wash down or simple bucket and scrub floors. As for bug spray well for me I can't use it as I am allergic so I use Skin So Soft. Those things won't even come near me while others on the boat are bleeding like stuck pigs. Had a buddy of mine recommend it and works great.

  2. I wired mine with a 60 amp circuit breaker cause that what my book said to do. I haven't ever had an issue and have wired many boats specifically bass boats with this method. Very easy to do and not cutting into or splicing wires. Ring terminals on each end and the ground goes direct from battery to the motor. I also use the receptacles as well so if chosen the motor can be removed without any hassles.

  3. Well I just got my Starweld 20 Pro all setup 2 weeks ago. As for the mast for planets I couldn't find one for the seat base so just used the mast base and mounted as far forward as possible so it was out of my way. Tracks for all my riggers and rod holders plus my triple trees. Very tight to get a backing plate I tunnel but it's needed as the aluminum fleas pretty good with everything there it had it out at the derby last weekend and worked great but fish weren't cooperating to well.



  4. I to have experienced it and I have come to my own opinion that it's the bait it actually affects. When that bait moves the fish will move as well but sometimes the bait ends up coming into water temps that the fish don't agree with so they separate. Or the fish absolutely gorge themselves cause they can see the bait more clearly with the moonlight.

  5. Last minute sign-up question? Was in Seattle for work the past couple weeks and completely forgot to enter the derby until this week. Used the on-line entry via PayPal - do I need a Reg card or is the PayPal receipt enough to enter fish should we get lucky?

    If I remember correctly if you end up weighing a fish or just stopping by to check things out you show them your receipt or license and they will give your card there.

  6. You know we may bust each other on both the north and south of Seneca Lake but when the chips are down regarding something important the brotherhood of fishermen comes through united :)  Maybe this is an opportunity to improve something we ll care about greatly.

    Thaw the best thing about groups like this, get the word out and we all band together no matter the circumstances. This derby is a very long tradition for many families including mine. We won't let this die off and it will continue. Long Live the Lake Trout Derby

  7. Just as over the limit said. I did that when I first got my boat cause I couldn't afford a kicker right off the bat. I put a 3" hole dead center in bottom and drilled a bunch of half inch hole around the sides. Tied them off to front cleats and was good to go. Cheapest way around until your kicker gets fixed

  8. Jason as for the boat raffle, why not get hold of the sponsors or take the time out to find new sponsors to donate equipment whether it be fishing related or not. I remember years ago the used to do door prizes and haven't seen that in a long time. After the original Chamber burnt down it seemed as the group didn't have the passion to do the derby any further. If you look at the list of donations, they companies that are on there have been for many many years so at some point they are gonna drop off as well. New blood might be the answer for this whole thing. Technology plays a roll to, they update the site maybe twice a day so if your in contention you would have to drive to N end to see what's on the board. I am no spring chicken but for the amount of years I have fished this derby it's always the same ole same ole. People can only see the same thing so long and they are gonna lose interest. Also thanks for all the research and info for keeping us up to date. Tom Riley

  9. With that said there has to be consideration for that 50-60% of people who do weigh in at Geneva because they also launch there boats there as well. I am sure that Samson can handle the influx of traffic if it's moved there. Lake conditions play a major roll as well cause there are many boats who will only fish the north end in case the lake kicks up and to make a person pack up and haul there boat to Samson to weigh in is asking for trouble. Now here is another thought, if Samson would go in on it why couldn't there be a weigh station at the state park on the north end so this way the Chamber isn't involved at all?

  10. This sad to read as my family and I and my daughters have fished this derby since we could enter them by age. My grandfather took second the second year of the derby and I have placed second twice, once with a rainbow and the next year with a laker. My one daughter placed 4 years ago. We look forward to coming to the cottage and spending the weekend fishing as a whole family, 4 generations fishing together let alone all the friendships and aquaintances that have been made. Now ad lays derbies are not hard to run its the costs involved behind them. Insurance is the biggest back breaker, permits are another issue and if it goes out of Samson the problem is the state, they a finicky when it comes to derbies and tournaments. Keep that in mind as well. I am for someone stepping up and if I had the time I would volunteer my time to help. Keep up informed please. Thanks Tom Riley

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