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Everything posted by Sea-IV

  1. Sk8 yah I agree took another look on my computer where I can zoom in more. The tape on all the pine valley spoons I have runs diagonal on every one. Could it be possible that they are old Pflueger spoons. They used to have just a number stamped on them and my gramps has a ton but God forbid if we even get close to them, he racks the shotgun when we start looking at his spoons lol
  2. Most Fastrac has stations now sell 87 non ethanol fuel now just look for the blue pump. Costs a bit more but much better for any motor. I had a '94 Evinrude outboard that popped itself twice. After the second time it blew I went to a different mechanic and he said that running the 91-93 octane in a carbureted motors is deadly cause it leans them out to much and the oil pumps can inject enough to stabilize the mixture which results in burning a piston up. Now with my new Evinrude direct injected he said always run 91 non ethanol in it which most marinas have to carry non ethanol fuel due to state regulations. It just sucks cause it cost double what we get it at the pump for. As for the mixture in the tankers that deliver the fuel, they mix the ethanol as they are filling the tanker and they don't follow any ratio so some times it may be 10% or it can be more or less. If I were to upgrade my boat in the future I think I will go diesel cause there really isn't any guessing.
  3. Those actually look more like Suttons. Most Pine Valley spoons were hammered and long and skinny. The numbers stamped on them also lead me to believe they are Suttons and Sutton is still in business but having issues with plating. The old spoons do carry a value cause they were built to last
  4. I know but it was the premis of the conversations that we're starting. I am not doing anything to ruffle feathers and respect those charters that are out there. So I don't want to risk jeopardizing what I have over a $20 bill.
  5. Thank you Capt. Jim finally a direct answer. I am planning on getting the license reguarsless after talking to the wifey so this way when I change my mind like wind changes direction I am prepared to go ahead full steam
  6. Both of mine are 2 stroke motors. Evinrude E-Tec's 200 HO's. The oil isn't cheap but gets my boat up and going damn quick and trolls with no issues
  7. It would have to be a custom bracket. The extended transom goes maybe 6" past each side of each motor and rounds off. I don't have any issues with the big motors running they are built for it that's why I went with them. Just like I/O's I alternate them so that the hours don't get out of balance and it tells down to 1.5 mph so it's not that big of a cost and really don't want to add any more weight to the back.
  8. I can tell you hands down after losing probably the biggest king off my life due to the Accudepth drag sticking and not being smooth I instantly switched to the Convectors and switched the discs on the drag to carbon fiber ones and have since the smoothest drag I have ever held. I also have some of the Coldwater reels also and the only issue with those is the clicker isn't loud and they make a metal one to replace the cheap plastic one and is now much louder.
  9. My platform is pretty much full with the twins and no other place to mount one
  10. I wish I could put a kicker on but have twin outboard setup but feel for the amount of fishing I do it's not bad really
  11. Damn straight. Even though a beer costs $10 a can also but the water is free just jump can have all you want.lol
  12. Yes now you see the cross roads I am at cause legally according to a previous post if a buddy hands me $20 for fuel or any expense I could be ticketed if caught. My response was the same if I gave that same buddy a ride to work and he gave me $20 for fuel would that be illegal also cause there really isn't a difference. $20 $50 what's the difference, except if I said well it's $50 a head then yah that's a business even though if I was a business then I would charge much more to be competitive to others but I don't charge it's called a gift in which legally you can take $9,999 as a gift from anyone if the gov't really has to know
  13. 99% of the people that come aboard my boat are friends co-workers and otherwise. I don't take random people out or parties such as a captain or charter boat would. I usually refer those that inquire to other charters. My boat doesn't advertise nor do I. If someone blindly walked up to me in the marina and offered me money to take them fishing I would turn them away cause I don't do that. Like I mentioned in the beginning my family has done this for a business for over 40 years so I know the routine. I could also put a lengthy list together of the friends I have told to put there money away cause we just had to much fun. I just received all the books and charts that I bought through a school and was skimming through the pages and I would say that a lot of the captains license has to do with commercial fishing which definitely isn't my intention to catch and sell and so on. I have my CPR and first aid certification through my business. Also have taken 3 USCG safety courses as refreshers with my wife and kids. So it's not that I don't want to do it but it's really out of how many boats out on this lake how many actually have there license and what makes me any different. I am not a full time fisherman even as much as I would like to fish 24/7 I wouldn't have anything cause the wife would take off. Lol
  14. No I really am not doing any more than that. My boats has a 168 gallon fuel tank and I am the one who foots that bill which on a outing for 8-10 hours I usually go through a quarter tank per trip. Now that equates to roughly $150-$200 a trip. I don't put that on anyone who comes on my boat nor do I ask for it. They all know what it costs and they decided what to give me in return for the experience and the expense. I have never in any trip asked for a dime just because I figure it like many others. If I am going out then I am going out and if they want to go they go but at derby time or a Pro-am that's a different thing cause we are in it to win and the group is the same no matter how long the tournament goes for so now we split everything equally including any winnings. Basically it makes me no different than a weekend warrior taking Joe Smo out and getting some money for expenses. I don't ask anyone to make my boat payment or pay for the 2 new motors on my boat or any gear that was lost. I put that money forward and would do it regardless. I do take wounded warriors out fishing and people that normally wouldn't get to go fishing and don't ask for anything but a fun time. I also do a lot of work with kids to get them interested and keep them off the computer, phone and video games. Could I profit from it, sure I could and that's why I started this thread was to get opinions as to what others thought.
  15. That's what I am saying. I bought my boat, bought all new gear and not basic stuff either and then turned and spent another $40,000 replacing the carbureted motors for direct injected ones to save on fuel and still got me for almost $4000 just for fuel. Not that it helps paying $5/gal either. Everyone that comes out with me just brings their food and beer but doesn't think about the $200,000 I have invested cash to nothing financed, so much for retiring just hurt me in that boat. If they give me $20 I am happy but if they give me $100 I am not gonna say nah here take $80 back, not happening on my boat write me the ticket then. This state can kiss my rear with all the taxes we pay with fuel and equipment and insurance. Especially now after talking with an instructor at the school for my license, 9 days from 9am to 8pm every day plus the costs of books and food **** brother I will see you on the water. See yah I know the rules and respect every one out there so if I am taking friends out and they pay me for it, let's just call it an education and experience they are paying for.
  16. That's exactly what I do so I think that pretty much says it all.
  17. All the fuel is put on my tab at the marina and there is no money exchanged at my boat. As for the liability insurance, I already carry it in excess of 2,000,000 and always have just because you never know. I am not here to take money from any other captain cause as I stated i. The past my grandfather and my uncle both chartered legit on the lake so I know the rules. Looking at it from my point of view is there are very few people getting back into the charter business legitimately and I personally don't know if that is what I want to do because I don't plan on it being a full time job, not that I already don't go out 3-5 days a week now but usually only with 2 or 3 buddies to get away.
  18. That comment right there is why I am not sure what to do. I don't do anything illegal, for christs sake I don't even drink. But that like saying if I give my buddy a ride to work and he gives me $20 for gas that's must be illegal also then. I have heard different things and have no issues spending about $1500 to get my captains license but I won't even make that money back cause it's so few times. If a big group comes up and wants me to take them I forward them on to other charters.
  19. Well that's the thing I am not sure about. I do take a lot of people out and they offer up money and it adds up. Now granted I just put it back into the boat whether it be fuel or gear and so on. Not that I care what Uncle SAM knows but I do run a business outside of this which affords me the ability to get out and enjoy fishing. Last season I made a good penny but like I said it never got pocketed. I know that it's frowned upon in the charter community that's why I dont advertise anything but yet people talk and my number is given out and I have turned people away just cause the risk involved. I could do it and keep my mouth shut but if God forbid something happened I would feel awful. Plus I am just to damn honest
  20. Well that's what confused me a bit on the DEC website. I lose the description at that part of it
  21. Yah I have read up on all that entails and I do already carry a high insurance policy just cause of the fact and the other facts I wasn't aware of and would be prepared to do whatever. I already on the maiden voyage go to the USCG station with boat and ask them to do an inspection for my own peace of mind and shows good faith that I don't cut corners either.
  22. Alright guys and captains, I am looking for a little advice. I am trying to decide as which license to get for chartering legally. I am not trying to compete against anyone but fishing is my passion and anyone that knows me will tell you. I love taking kids out and service men and women and have just taken friends and family out on countless trips just for fun. My thing is that I hate taking money from people knowing that legally I can't charge for it and being it is something I have always wanted to do I am undecided. The DEC has the guiding license and then there is either the master captains license or the oupv license. I have the first aid and cpr all ready taken care of. I am just looking to do what my gramps and uncle did in years past but they have been out of it for so long they aren't sure what it entails anymore. Please give me some opinions and help me out guys. I really enjoy what I do and just like any fisherman I spend a good portion of my years giving back when I can.
  23. My poor wife just today keeps asking me what's wrong. I can't sit still, with the sun out and the warm temps I have been pacing around the house, been in and out at least 100x and even went as far as counting how many spoons and flashers and stick airs I have. I am going nuts wanting to get that boat home or at least out so I can do some work on it. She just left the house and said call me when you calm down and I will be back.
  24. Yah everyone can see and hear the difference. Birds are singing, animals are moving more. Seen a fox hopping around in field for mice this morning and and also had a raccoon walk across yard not to mention all the squirr language running around. But the long term forecast is still saying more snow to come. Sorry
  25. I tell you what I hope that is true. I took a drive yesterday all the way out to Olcott and there are icebergs down at that end of the lake as far as the eye can see. The worst of the ice was in the current from the Niagra but man was there a lot of ice on that lake. Be careful to everyone that does go out this week.
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