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Everything posted by Sea-IV

  1. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Rt14 south about 2 miles south of Geneva just past Glass Factory bay
  2. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Its not just about the fingerlakes. The baits and structure are the same for anywhere. I look for the same on Irondequoit, the lake, Sodus and the finger lakes. So if its not all about Irondequoit but perch are in every body of water and wep pretty much use the same baits for them even on Erie. Besides I don't keep the perch from Irondequoit due to the parasites in the skin. Next time you catch one with the blue spits on it look in the meat on the skin side of the fillet and you will find a worm looking parasite
  3. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Not so much tubes. They are basically a micro worm or grub style bait. Very thin and range from an inch to two long. Usually 5-6 to a pack, yellow packaging with red writing
  4. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Not a problem and it doesn't bother anymore what others opinions are. I am out there enough to know what I am talking about and just share the info I know. Just another little tid bit when using plastics I use Sliders as well in a motor oil color and watermelon.
  5. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Not a problem and it doesn't bother anymore what others opinions are. I am out there enough to know what I am talking about and just share the info I know. Just another little tid bit when using plastics I use Sliders as well in a motor oil color and watermelon.
  6. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    I know they don't I was using it as an example. They get up on the spawning flat so thick and get so aggressive its like taking candy from a baby
  7. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    I can you tell that the spring is the best time cause they are more aggressive in the spring just as any fish would be protecting a bed and they are schooled tight, plus they are really FAT.
  8. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    The high banks on east side north end, then on west side north end on the flats by Hobart. From there I usually go point hopping til I mark them. Most of the time I run to the south end off Severne and work the points and flats there cause there are more and they are closer together. We limited out 2 weeks ago off severne in less than 2 hours.
  9. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    For Keuka is usually stick to the common spots off Penn yan and then over to the college. I tend to spend more time on Seneca cause I have a cottage there.
  10. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    I had it weighed and measured at a verified scale. Unfortunately it was that time of the year just after the spawn and only weighed in at 3.3# but still my best to date. Those 2 finger lakes have the potential to hold the record though. When we get into them they usually all run about the same size and we don't keep them all, usually keep a meal or 2 and let the rest go so they can spawn and keep the population up.
  11. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    It started about 2 weeks ago and go til the snow flies.
  12. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    I try and do what I can to help. Many have helped me in the past with my salmon/trout issues this past season so I just pay it forward when and where I can. I hope it helps and you get on them. I am going to head to finger lakes specifically Keuka and Seneca where the slobs live. I have 2 on the wall at the cottage that are 17" and 19". Gotta love them stripes.
  13. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Summer is tough cause they get scattered but you said it right. If there is structure and the water temp is right they should be there. Hedges is a good spot in the summer along the pipeline which goes out to about 35ft and they seem to hold pretty good there all year.
  14. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    There really isn't any if you have a bigger boat. Small aluminum boats with a long rope can launch anytime. Back in and let boat float off then pull rope to bring boat up to ramp and climb in. We do this for duck hunting and fishing at every state ramp. He who is determined with find a way.
  15. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Yah I found them in the bay last week away from the crowd but they moved out and at least on the lake you don't have to weed through so many small ones. Electronics are key though in finding the big schools of them.
  16. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    We found them in 50' and minnows were the ticket
  17. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    They aren't quite committed to the bay yet. We went to our usual spot on lake to find they has moved closed to the outlet and a bit deeper but still managed quite a few decent ones in the 12"-14" range
  18. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    Usually Nov 1st is when the bridge closes and they sometimes do it at the same time or soon there after
  19. The other thing to remember is penetration. My bow hits harder the further the distance shooting. I hit a doe last year less than 10 yards and the penetration was maybe 10" but the following week I took my buck at 36 yards and passed through and piled him up withing 20 yards of shot. So the bow, the draw weight and arrow spine all play an equal role.
  20. I also converted a buddy who was a G5 shooter. He switched to the Rage 2.3 and opening day took the first doe of the season quartering to and tore both lungs in half. The entry hole was at least 3" and forget about the exit hole cause I put my fist through it. They are nasty but I also learned to use the shock collars instead of the bands so they don't open premature either.
  21. I don't disagree with what anyone is stating. I shoot 2 bows that are set up for each, identical bows but one set up for fixed and other setup for expendables. I group both bows in a 3" group at 50 yards and if closer they get even tighter to the point I am taking nocks off arrows. I have my own press and fletching equipment and I set up my own equipment. Been bow hunting for a long time and even on occasion I will break out the Bear long bow. To me its also about practice, practice and more practice from different angles terrain and winds. A person can never do it enough. My yard looks like a 3D target range with stands in trees blinds set up and the whole 9 yards.
  22. OK I have read this whole thread and I switched over to expandables, Rage Chisel tip 2 blades the day they came out from which I was shooting a 4 blade 100 grain Muzzy before that. How many guys that shoot fixed blades have the fletching set to match the blades on their broad heads? I was always told that shooting fixed blades I had to have my arrows refletched and I personally spend enough money on hunting equipment and just said I will switch to expandables to save another expense. I haven't lost a deer yet with the Rage (knock on wood) but I hunt Elk and moose also and would only shoot a fixed blade due to the bone structure being much heavier. I believe its all preference and placement.
  23. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    About 20-25 fow when we found them. Just have to keep moving around til you mark the school and it should be game on and they were decent size ranging from 11"-14"
  24. Sea-IV

    Ibay Perch

    They are on the east side of the point just of the island in the trench there. My buddy and I were drop shotting for bass and were putting on a clinic with the perch. We also got into them out in the lake in front of trailer park. As for Irondequoit they were out on the lake still, same method drop shotting. We just look for schools of fish on the graph and start fishing. Its been a blast lately and seems to be getting better.
  25. I agree with what guppy said but on the other hand people need to show some restraint. I have been hunting for at least 30 years and I have taken some smaller bucks but they weren't yearlings just bad genetics. This past season for the first time I took a 145" 8 point in the last day of muzzle loading but watched him all season. I let him pass by me a couple of times just being that the genetics aren't in the area so I wanted him to breed as many does as possible so in 4-5 years his offspring is just as big or better. I understand that there is a lot of pressure in certain areas but it seems today people are trigger happy. I have a guy behind my house that hunts the same stand every day bow through shotgun and I swear he must own a ammo company cause we watched 2 deer last year walk close to him and he let 10 rounds fly and never hit either of them, plus he has done this multiple times. Its sad sometimes but funny also.
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