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Everything posted by Sea-IV

  1. I would advise to just get a compression test and compare the results to the parameters of your specific motor. Look for leak down meaning see if each cylinder holds compression. Cheapest way to see what your motor is doing condition wise.
  2. As for Basils, I really don't see the Army Corp allowing for another 150 slips in that marina but money talks only because they are part of Mario's and he seems to get what he wants. Jlogger you are on the south dock from me. You really missed a interesting day there Sunday. Kind of why I started this thread cause every weekend it seems to get worse there. I also am thinking about making a move but to the west, especially for the money we pay there.
  3. I would have to say the Grady White or Boston Whaler but you can make any boat work. I had a 19 tracker that had 4 riggers and a triple set of rod holder on each side us a planer mast mounted in front seat pedestal. Now I have a Sea Pro that has less on it.
  4. That's kind of the issue I was meaning to say. They don't alternate, I see them there together so when one leave the rest follow soon behind and it become a free for all. I was docked in my slip yesterday and you would have thought we were on the lake in 3-4 footers we were rocking so bad.
  5. My current boat is a Sea Pro 2509 which the gunnels are about thigh high and work out great for reaching over to set the riggers and netting. I looked at a 27' sportcraft and loved the design with the center motor cause the rear deck was wide open. I grew up in Thomson and Penn Yan boats and they had there advantages as well but it is all depend on how you set the boat up and what your comfort level is. If you visualize it in your head when your looking at them it will help you to make up your mind easier.
  6. I agree with you can't fix stupid but just the situation in the bay is getting out of control. 2 weeks ago I had asailbkat cross my path and I ablidged cause he had the right of way, I literally turned my head for 1 second and looked forward an he did a total 180 and was crossing my path as I was on top of him. I through the boat into neutral then reverse and my anchor pulpit damn near caved his head inlet alone my party I had on board to a spill cause these people don't think things through. In my opinion they could honestly put up more lighting on these piers to give the totally inexperienced boaters more to see. The best part is they can be solar so there is no energy at our cost or there's. For me its about safety that's all and lately it really sucks to have to watch over your shoulder for the idiots.
  7. Now I haven't spent much time out at night but usually leaving port dark thirty to get some early light fishing in. On top of that with all the boats crashing into the piers as of lately why is there no enforcement on the water. I was out of Irondequoit bay yesterday morning and before I even left the USCG was on the radio of a boat on the rocks at Irondequoit pier. Which there was a sunken boat that was destroyed on the NW corner. Then I believe around 930 another boat hits the Summerville pier. What's the deal with these people. Then at 1230 the USCG on radio with a warning of hazardous boat conditions in Irondequoit Bay. I praise them and the sheriff's but there just isn't enough enforcement. I came in around 430 and sheriff's were motoring out, get through channel and it looked like all hell was breaking loose. There boats flying well over the 25mph speed limit jet skis doing the same and about 50-60 sailboats going east to west in every bodies path. cRAZy I tell you. Kind of makes me nervous
  8. Hah my father wants to do the same for Lakers on Ontario except he wants to pulls stainless with flashers like he does at Seneca. I refuse to let him try especially when I have had multiple 20# plus Lakers destroy some of my best rods like they were toothpicks. Don't even want to think about somebodys fingers.
  9. Drifting would be to slow. I usually am about 1.8-2 mph when I am pulling wire and the spoons are maybe an ounce or more. If you really get into it I would invest in an A&S reel. Saves the arms when pulling wire in.
  10. Everything that has been said I spot on. I jerk copper on Seneca every time I am there. Usually no deeper than 100' with about 300' of copper out. I always use a Sutton 35 fixed in chrome or brass. The important part is the cadence of jerking wire, everyone I know that does this has a different routine. My uncle actually uses a keel weight at his leader where as I don't, both methods catch Lakers. Also keep in mind that 3:1 ration for the depth your fishing. When to jerk the wire you will feel the spoon slap the both and 9 out of 10 times the Lakers will grab it in the fall back. Best advice is to figure out you own method but you can't use trebles and let it drag. If you get snagged you could lose everything or tear a muscle when you try to jerk it free. Good luck
  11. I am still.available for the Sodus pro am 585-314-4199 as stated above.
  12. I also have friends from England who come over every year to fish here. They say there is nothing like it except Alaska. If you really want to see where people come from stop by the Salmon River when the run hits in the fall. There are dozens of out of state plates there daily.
  13. Yah I have marked the bait also but have noticed very little to no fish around it either where as last year or any other year when you found a bait ball you did figure 8's around it cause that's where the fish were. I was marking bait from the surface down to 30' and then balls down 70-90 but no activity. Kind of why I had a post up last week cause I actually thought my electronics were goofy. Down on Seneca the bait is just coming in so I am sure the water temps are way behind. If anything its gonna make for one hell of a fall derby that's for sure.
  14. Just this past spring I was shopping as well. I searched from Jersey coast all the way to Ohio before finally settling on my current boat. I ended up buying a Sea Fox Trophy 2509, which is a 25' walk around with twin outboards that I had upgraded from the 150's that were on it to Etec 200 HO's. I purchased the electronics from the dealer and had him install them while he had it then installed all my own equipment as far as the riggers and planers etc. I love it and so does the family. I looked at Grady's and they were older and almost settled on one before this one popped up which was a steal. I thought I would have issues landing fish because of the twins but its not that bad cause we can step on the at form and net from there. When you see the right boat you will know.
  15. I have 2 Mag 10 riggers with everything. I have the swivel bases, the new wire harnesses all wired in, the extendable booms and dual rod holders plus. Everything works great I just upgraded to the digi-trolls. Looking to get $600 for everything. Call 585-314-4199 located in Henrietta
  16. Then where are they cause my friends on the northern side are having the same issues as us here. I know its a very big body of water and I have been out here for 30 years from chartering with gramps, then my uncle and now myself and none of us plus others have seen it this slow. Not to mention the amount of small skippers being caught which is some sign that the pen projects are working and then the amount of fisherman who cover this lake from east to west and north to south and we are all having similar issues.
  17. I have a theory but can't seem to get any other opinions including the DEC. Here it is and don't hate its just a theory, with the winter being as long as it was and the amount of ice that covered the lake this past winter what are the odds that there was a massive die off of king salmon. Who would know cause they don't float when they die they sink as we know !!!!
  18. I personally bought the X4-D but I don't think that part of it is necessary only because if it is at your weight then your counter on the rigger will let you know. If your riggers don't have counters well then its a different story.
  19. The drop rate of 45# copper is usually around 22' for every 100' of copper out. That is depending on what you are trolling off the end of it. As for your reel size yah a 45 is a little small for 300. I run a 300,400 and a 500 all on Tekota 8000 series reels and they barely make it on those. They are equal to a 55 size reel.
  20. Just got off phone with buddy. They went 7 for 9, mostly steelhead but managed 3 kings 2 of which were Skippy's and and 15#. Most came on the wire out 160' and some on spoons NK 28's watermelon was hottest. They were out last 29 line watching the ships pass behind them. Hope this helps.
  21. That would be great. I look forward to experiencing a pro am regardless of how.
  22. How do you become an observer? I am interested to see the format of a pro am. I was at Oak last year and what a site to see these guys take off all at once. If any boats need one I can be reached at 585-314-4199 Thanks Tom
  23. Also could be a gas hole. We have similar marks on Oneida when passing over them but not as defined as that one.
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