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Everything posted by Sea-IV

  1. Please do
  2. Do you do PayPal? If so I would like these and would need them shipped to 14586. Let me know
  3. I just heard the restaurant won't be opening cause they ran out of money to complete it. Now you see what the rate hike is for. I asked for a price on a slip for the last 2 months of season and they wanted a full seasons rate. And that was with a winterization and shrink wrap plus paid slip fees for next year. No way not me I will shop around.
  4. Oh I hear yah, I have to do it in 2 weeks to bring boat home from Wilson. Not sure if I want to fish part of the way or just get it back here finally.
  5. That would work as well.
  6. Jeremy there is no way to tie in 2 more batteries cause then your essentially going from 24 to 48 volts and that wouldn't be good. As for a charging line from kicker, now that can be done but check and see how much amperage that alternator is putting out cause you don't want to burn out the batteries. Essentially you would end up charging both batteries at the same time because they should be run in series which makes them 24 volts
  7. Oh yah I did. Just waiting on her arrival. 1996 Tiara 2900 Open
  8. I believe it was on craigslist in the buffalo page or Syracuse page I see it there every time I do a search. The one in Fairhaven that is
  9. Atommik.com
  10. 100-160fow and 70-90 down. Meat meat meat
  11. Sea-IV

    Trim tabs

    The new Lenco Electric trim tabs are very nice. Installation is very easy and self explanatory, everything is plug and play. They are very responsive and no need to run hydraulic lines or anything. I put the 9"x12" on my boat and they work great. Good luck
  12. Disregard my pm I just got what you were saying. There is a trailer available. I am good being without a trailer only because it will be in the barn on blocks so I can customize it more to my style over the winter. As for the hours he just got back to me, they are 350's in it and they have 1800 hours on each. Used more as a cruiser and just motoring out into the Long Island Sound to fish.
  13. Why thank you for that honest answer. Not sure on hours yet, they are Crusader engines that the boat has and the boat is a 1988 Tiara. I am headed down there to look and set up a survey if I like what I see in person. Sea trial is a must for me.
  14. Saltwater versus Freshwater Boats Ok I need some advice before I get to deep. As some may know I sold my boat and I am looking at at very well mistimed Tiara 2700 Open. Now this boat has been in saltwater but the gentleman that is representing the boat insists its Freahwater cooled. Now this boat has twin Crusaders in it. As far as I can tell I am open cooled system. Does this create a problem bringing it from Saltwater to Freshwater. I know that there are certain things that need to be considered but the boat is priced right and I tell you looks immacualate thru pics. Any advice is appreciated as this will be my first and only boat with onboard motors.
  15. Free swing always on my boat, I bring the hook so the bend is even with the end of the meat and send it on it's way, haven't missed one yet on it. Knock on wood
  16. We have been doing pretty good on it out of Olcott out in front of the Barn, I just think as the bait moves out they are gonna transition into other colors. Our spoon program is finally coming around cause hadn't caught a single king on a spoon yet well outside of skippers. I don't run any double crush blades either. I know they have been the hype with the stud but I have been running them behind the glow green dot and the uv green dot 13" boards and we have had steady picks, now this week we were fishing east out of Rochester and it was a hit and miss deal. One day they wanted it the next they took purple flies and the stud meat. Right now that's all I am running is meat on 3 out of 5 rod setup. Other 2 are Flasher/Fly off riggers. Anything UV with green has been steady for us. I will attach a pic of our program we start with out of Olcott and it produced every time.
  17. Responded
  18. Nice day to fish and the stud seems to be fizzling out. We ran it for a while and changed it out for the stud meat rig and then started producing fish but no big boys.
  19. Gotta go deeper 300-400fow on meat. Screens look amazing in close but the big guys are out. 70-100 down
  20. Bump
  21. Thanks Larry
  22. Above the probe cause if you put it below when you take the slack out of line it will allow the probe to swing against it possibly cause a weak point and breaking line.
  23. No not at all, the outboards were nice to have but limited me to how much gear I could run and it wasn't wide enough for me. Outside of that the boat was perfect especially with the new engines cause that thing flew and I could take her wherever in whatever weather and feel confident fishing in it. I have a few Boats picked out already and waiting on a few responses but this boat was more for the kids and wife which in turn the kids are teenagers and show not interest in going fishing, the wife would be happier along with I in a bigger boat.
  24. thank you
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