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Everything posted by tove12345

  1. By the sounds of the reports lately,the fishing is great west past rochester.
  2. I'm sure you work hard.Just remember.....You deserve it. I tell my wife I COULD be hanging around bars and strip joints.......then duck and run!!!!
  3. Selkirk shores in port Ontario. about 15 miles away on mexico bay. someone may know one closer,but it is a well run state park.
  4. nice steel on a stellar day. Kings will be there soon.Out west is smoking hot right now.
  5. Best report all year. Congrats!!!! Things are lookin up. What port were you fishing out of?
  6. henrybud has got it right.Crank em down tight and a goldfish could trip it!!
  7. Spending Fathers day with dad is what its all about. Many are not so lucky!! Fish are just a bonus.
  8. Honestly, I don't think its the BOAT slowing down the sale.She looks like a real beauty. I would have to say it has more to do with the condition of the lake.Fishing has been poor(to say the least) the last 3 years on lake O.A few years ago, she would have sold within a week.(probably to me!!!!) Good luck though.
  9. Nice king.Wish I was reading more reports of kings.Would like to make the 8 hr ride,but tough to validate the gas $$.
  10. I will gladly accept your offer! I will pm my address and pay for shipping
  11. Good report.Thank you for taking the time so that us guys who live far away have a feel for the pulse of the lake. Hope the kings make an appearance this year!!
  12. I was there Monday and Tuesday. There are very few fish in the estuary for this time of year.Things have really changed over the past 20 years.3rd week in September was prime time In front of the house.Not anymore.......first or second week in October(the past 2 years anyway) the kings come in and don't hold long down low.When they DO run,they seem to be on a mission and not interested in anything thrown their way.just my observation.
  13. targeting "smaller class of kings" and people are wondering why the matures aren't around.Captains need to smarten up and look at the big picture.!!Not bustin on youPa,but part of the problem is right in front of their faces.
  14. Nice fish!! Olcott is my favorite port.
  15. For me,treble hooks are the biggest problem. Those little guys tend to suck in all three hooks.I have switched to single hooks.
  16. nice!!Those fish look very bright for this time of year.
  17. As pretty as henderson is,it would not be my first choice for consistent fishing.Sodus to niagara,is where the bulk of the summer fish usually are.It could change with a stiff wind tho! good luck and have fun no matter what.
  18. Nice fish!!.....Time for a bigger boat to keep u both safe and years of fun ahead!!
  19. Try to keep the rigger cables at a 35-45 degree angle to the water.You will then be in the ballpark of2.3-2.8 m.p.h at the ball.We all did pretty well before all the sophisticated dodads.Get on your radio (ch. 68 mexico bay) and ask where the break is.You will get up to the minute info from fellow trollers.
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