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Rich s

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Posts posted by Rich s

  1. Can't seem to connect to the website. Error log every time I try it? Tried different computers too?

    Most of their links are no good and they don't have a very good software update program for older models. I tried going through the email ( contact ) help and got a reply back saying we value out customers but they did not answer my question . Tried to call them and hung up after on hold for 10 mins waiting for a service rep .

    While I just bought an elite -7 a few months ago, I will say their customer service stinks IMO

  2. When I pulled my islander out of the Hudson River after a month at dock it had nasty crud, algae and zebra mussels . I power washed all the stuff I could but it still left the brown scum and still looked nasty.

    I used simple green , scotch brite pads , elbow grease and a final spray down with the power washer again .

    Looks like new again now !! Scrub , scrub , scrub !!

    My suggestion is after you get it cleaned off is to wax and buff the heck out of it ( I didn't ) before you drop it back in the water ( did this time ) It will help removing the scum the next time.

  3. On a stacker release you have a swivel like snap then 2 pinch pads.  You would attach the swivel like clip to the downrigger cable then attach 1 pinch pad to the downrigger cable this is to keep the cheater from moving up or down the mainline.  Then you will attach the 2nd pinch pad to the cheater line not the swivel of the cheater.  Then once a fish hits it will pull the cheater out of the release then slide down the mainline to the downrigger release and pop that release and slide down the mainline the rest of the way to the lure.


    Below is a photo of a stacker style release.



    Thanks Sk8.. I got the jest and risks of it.. I guess the thing to do is start slow and let it grow once we work out the bugs..

    still a little confused about the fixed cheater as this above is how I picture it and I have those releases also already.. We shall see,

    Think I'm going to try some lake trolls / hammer heads on the bottom for lakers and do a rubber band/fixed on one and free slide on the other with flutter spoons for salmon.. My concern especially there was getting multiple releases to trip when a fish strikes.. I guess the solution is to keep the tension fairly light from the rod to the release and watch the rod tips more. 

    I'd rather be fishing then cutting rigs apart all day so wish me luck, lol

    Thanks again:



  4. I want to thank everyone who gave some insight into how they rig their set up for this.. I never would have thought about doing this (still new) until I read this thread. I plan on trying to do this next week on a pre-Ontario shakedown trip to Lake George for lakers & salmon.. It seems there are various ways to set the cheater up so I'm going to go through each one with a few questions and please give me some pro's- con's..


    1. Free sliding seems most easiest , attach main lure to bottom with release , start letting it down then attach a swivel/ coast lock to the main line with a 6' (?) leader off the swivel with second lure , correct ?

    Question- how far down do you drop the main lure before hooking the snap (secondary) lure to the main line, all the way ?

    2. I also see it can be done using another release set up hooking it free sliding on the rigger cable, is there any advantage to this ? Is there ever a problem getting TWO releases to trigger ?



    1. same as above but make it fixed .  Now it seems you must attach the secondary lure fixed to the rigger cable with a release  AND the cheater line. Same question ? Is there an advantage or con to having essentially 3 release points (1-to cable-1 to cheater line -1 to bottom main lure ) all must release correct ?  

    2. Would it possible to just use a rubber band to the rigger cable as the "fixed" release and snap the secondary lure to the rubber band ?  Does the rubber band stay pretty fixed to cable or does it tend to slip down ?


          Option-3 (don't even know if it's an option)

    1. Is it possible to run a stacker (fixed)  release with another rod while using the cheater rig ? It seems I might just be asking for trouble but...


      Finally a general question:

    for the secondary (cheater) lure, can you use a stick bait (rapala f-9 or 11 ) for the secondary lure instead of a spoon ? again I might just be asking for a big mess but I'm learning through your folks great experience..


    Thank you kindly


  5. Thanks for the feedback and glad you found the correct replacement .

    I also did some research about fast and slow blowing fuses. It didn't seem right that an electronic device would have a slow burn fuse .

    The letter F on the fuse represents fast and the letter T means timed ( slow )

    Electronics should have a fast blow. A , T ( timed ) means it will allow for a higher amp then rated at a timed length before it blows, which could allow for an over power to the unit and cause damage

  6. Take your wire connections off and clean then replace them. Happens to mine every once in awhile . I always think its the pump or motor but in ends up being a bad connection

  7. I purchased my 89 221 islander hardtop 4.3 v6 ( great engine ) with wider eyes then actually using my brain.

    Issues were

    1-rotten floors - they stuff so much foam in the bottom that the wooden floors never are really able to dry so the rot.

    2- the transom had rot along the bottom due to water being trapped inside

    3- some rivets leak due to becoming loose....

    That said, its an easy to fix and work on boat because the stringers and all supports are aluminum and generally stay structurally sound.

    It took me about a month to make the repairs myself and she is a sweet boat.

    If you do have issues with the floor and decide to replace it as I did, make sure you cut as much foam back so that there is air space between the foam and new flooring otherwise it will just rot again pretty quick.

    Replacing the transom is a little intense work ( pulling motor & peeling the top skin back ) but its very doable and not as hard as it sounds.

    Good luck

  8. Cool. Just make sure the connections ( pins ) are compatible with the unit.

    One thing I learned is don't connect the power source to the unit from the main starting battery . For some reason the surge in starting the engine shuts the unit off and it takes about a min- min 1/2 to reboot.

    Connect the power to the aux battery and there is no issue

  9. I have the elite 7 DSI . My options were 83-200 or 50/200, I chose the 50/200 transducer and in the settings on the unit you can select the transducer .

    Not sure what you mean by aftermarket but in the instruction manual it says you must have the blue connections in order for the down scan to work . If you use the standard " black " connections the unit will work as normal imaging but the downscan DSI feature will not.

    I don't think it matters what size transducer you have because you can select that on the unit screen.

    If you go to the lowrance website you can download the manuals .

    I love my elite 7 DSI , great unit for the price .

    Hope this helps.

    Rich S

  10. Great job men braving this lousy weather.

    I had some friends stay over this weekend to do not 1 but 2 boats projects.

    It was freezing and snowing all day sat then sunny and mud city yesterday .

    Boat # 1 was a complete tear out on a 17' back troller . That was fun stuff ripping and tearing out all old nasty rotten wood and stinky carpet.

    Boat # 2 was to install ( under the tarp ) all the electronics ( stereo, amp ,6 speaker system & new chart plotter ) on the islander . We ran into a snag on that boat needing a new switch panel system.

    Having good friends help is always a blast and welcomed.

    By weekends end we could have built a whole complete 3 rd boat outta blue aluminum cans :)

    Now all we need is some SUN !!!!

  11. Not intending to put the short shaft on the starcraft islander.

    Background story :

    Had( have) a 1955 Johnson 7.5 sea horse that was my baby on my 14' Jon- boat UNTIL it didn't like ethanol , at all !! I would clean the carb, tank and new lines but it started to strand me a few times.

    Striper season was fast approaching and I NEEDED another motor fast.

    Brother in law had the 15 hp long shaft for a reasonable price so I figured why not.. DUMB move putting a long shaft on a short transom. The thing would fly, I mean like no steering control and like a kite in the wind. It got me through the season but boy was it a hairy ride sometimes.

    Then so happened a 9.9 short shaft came my way and it was PERFECT for my Jon - Boat .

    Hence I now have 3 outboards in my basement ( the carry weight thing ) and might as well put the 15 hp long shaft to good use on the back of the islander because its not if the main motor will give me a problem , its when. Having a kicker on the big Lake Ontario seems like insurance that's cheap.

  12. The 15 is an 87 evenrude long shaft

    The 9.9 is a 2000 Yamaha short shaft.

    Maybe the same as far as engine but I can say , the 9.9 Yamaha is WAY heavier , at least from a lifting it up and ( trying ) to carry it stand point . Lol.

    I looked at the specs from both the 71056 & 71033 . The width & height of the mounting plate to the transom is the same.

    Basically it came down to the *** they put next to the 71033 saying it was reinforced with heavier parts .

    I'm sure either would be fine but hopefully reinforcement is a better thing, I hope ..

  13. I have basically the kicker you are talking about and I've had it mounted since 2002 and never a problem. I have never had to adjust it either and I am sometimes running in excess of 50 mph and it has survived some rough water as well over the years. It is rated for a max of 115 lbs or 20 hp. It is made by Garelick. It is the stainless steel version. Here is a pic of of the mounting.

    Been looking through the kicker pages , way back.

    Think I like this set up. Can you post a link or model type?

    I have a 1987 15 hp ( 2 stroke ) evenrude long shaft that I'd like to mount on my starcraft islander 221 I/0

    15 hp is over kill but its just sitting in my basement, weight wise its about the same as my 2000 Yamaha ( 2 stroke ) 9.9 short shaft .

  14. No worries. I just don't understand the need for the captains license unless you are interested in getting paid a " fee" for taking people out on your boat.

    As others have said and I will as well, if you take friends or folks you invite out and they help share the expense then what is that any different then going anywhere else ( deer camp, fishing or dinner ) ?

    "Providing a service " by definition is how it makes things different then just sharing the expense of a fishing trip aboard your vessel .


    Good luck

  15. Not trying to stir it up but sea -v it sounds like you are trying to justify the means of taking " clients " out , not so much friends or folks you invite aboard.

    You should go the route of getting a captains license .

    Just another way of looking at things here:

    If you invite someone to stay over at your house or for dinner , would you expect them to pay board or chip in for food ?

    A good gesture from someone invited is to maybe bring a bottle of wine/ case of beer or desert but I would never expect that nor would I ask.

  16. I been reading through the threads and great to hear about sea-v interested in learning. I was a guide ( stream, hunt, hike & camp ) for 11 years. For me it was about trying to help and teach others the things I enjoy. The only downside ( if it were ) is you are the instructor not the student meaning , they hunt, they fish. It really limited " my" outdoors activities so I decided to turn in my badge.

    All that said, :

    If you really have to ask how much things like that cost or start adding up the costs and scratch your head, then it's best not to get that involved . Very, very few ever recoup the amount of time and money invested. Yes some do make a living at that game but its a small percentage .

    My only thoughts as to bringing folks out on my boat :

    I only bring folks out that I chose . I only go when I can afford to. If I expect or have to ask for compensation then its because I can't afford to go. At that point I don't . If friends I bring help chip in then I accept, if they don't then its no worries because I feel they are unable, we are still friends and I will still ask them to go fishing when I can.

    Good luck to everyone this boating season


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