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  1. Scotty mounts I have 6 new flush mounts for Scotty holders and was wondering if anyone wanted to trade for side mounts thanks.
  2. Daiwa sealines and leadcore Hi. New to leadcore fishing and was getting some new gear for walleye and was gonna try my first time for salmon this year and was curious how much backer to use. These are the setups I was thinking about making all with sufix performance 27lb leadcore and 30lb power pro for backer. I have 3 spools of leadcore and 1500 yds power pro. Thanks! Sealine 57 / 10 color Sealine 47/ 8 color not sure cap enough or if I'd have to make a 7 color? Sealine 47/ 6 color Sealine 47/ 4 color
  3. knotknot


    Have been catching walleyes just no sheepers or silvers.
  4. knotknot


    Usually clobber sheepshead and silver bass when walleye fishing and have hardly gotten any this year find it strange.
  5. Usually put my lil 14ft boat away Oct 1 but kept it out till last Sunday. I'd like to thank you capt larry for the motivation to stay fishing on the boat so late in the season pursuing a muskie. I troll one big lure and one small one and managed to catch really nice walleye, bass, and steelhead. Made it out about 6 times and don't have a musky under my belt, but had a blast catching other fish so late into the season. Looking forward to next year already! Good luck and stay safe everyone
  6. Not trying to sell it but for surf fishing I use a daiwa sealine 30 sha loaded with 50 lb braid it is non levelwind. Just tie on about 30 or 40 ft of 30 to 50 lb mono shock leader and you can cast 8 and bait all day. I have it on a Penn persuit rod but have an ugly stick surf rod with spinning reel on it and that's a good rod too. For party boats I use shimano TLD 20 and 25 but don't expect to cast them far more for dropping straight down. I have cranked up 250lb shark with these.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions everybody
  8. Have caught just about everything else but am new to musky fishing. Due to limited funds and my addiction to walleye trolling tackle I am limited to the rods I currently have for musky trolling. I have 2 options either my dipsy rods with 30lb mono or my ocean 7ft 30-60 ugly sticks with shimano TLD 20's and 50lb mono. Do you think either of these will suffice??
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