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Everything posted by tiogafishaddict

  1. Out a little late around 8 grrr. started 150 to 500 not much for marks heading towards fair haven. One smallish king on a purple and black mag. 175 down over 400 flow. Very very dissapointing once again will head out this evening maybe cover a little west this time.
  2. Thanks I'll need it in our four rod set up on our 19'6 dingy lol
  3. Nice report. I'm heading up as I type .
  4. My riggers this past month did as good as anything I hear running 30# big game. I've had more problems with the dipseys
  5. Hell I wouldn't doubt some kings make it in closer
  6. At least we know the year class is not extinct!
  7. That's great. That's where I've been fishing lately . either be there or mexico bay this commin long weekend
  8. Thanks sk8man appreciate the info.
  9. I used the small ones here at a local resivor and the crappies like them.
  10. Fingers crossed never had the overhand knot fail.
  11. Great video. Explained and showed it very idiot proof for people like me lol.
  12. Do you ever reverse your wire. Spool it on a different reel?
  13. Lots of warm water. Tempted toggo up this week but the forecast is kinda iffy in our 19'6 . I'm keeping a close eye if it seems ok
  14. I'm no pro... I only run to wire rods and two riggers. But from what I've heard and seen for some reason the vibration? No clue but I'll stick with wire... I have really good luck with it.
  15. Thanks guys. At first I shy away from using them. But now I have confidence it won't reduce hook ups while saving dome of the mess
  16. How many of ya's use single hooks? On the boat we have it came with a huge assortment of spoons half of which have singles.
  17. Once again a down year . someone has to take blame. Truth is the tribs are not the meat market they once were. We really do not know facts on mortality on lake fish. We all can use . well they got a chance. Will everyone be happy? No. Maybe with all the technology we are not as good as our egos believe. Being humbled at times is really OK. So the salmon river will still get **** loads of kings.... So we are saying if your set ups are not hitting fish with rigger balls or fish ad you always have that some change does not have the power to totally make all these " for sure techniques" not so for sure at times? Reinvent something?
  18. One down year brings out some interesting stuff. One point is true. Charters, guides etc. Its their main job. But as history shows its a tuff one to rely on mother nature. Stocked still has to answer to mother nature's changes as well. That's why the good ones adjust and the ones who demand consistency have more serious ups and downs. Part of what makes fishing/hunting/trapping so great and not so easy to live on.
  19. Plenty of lake guys are also trib guys.... And all around sportsmen
  20. It would be interesting if big numbers of kings run this fall. Then we will all scratch our heads.
  21. Awesome time of year if the fall winds are not blowing
  22. I didn't notice any questionings. But mother nature always has a hitch to throw in there. NY does much better then a lot of states. At least they have bait ( to much) to work with better then the bait not there that has happend before. Tricky business.
  23. Haven't the past several years been banner?I know we have been spoiled on the east side the last few seasons. Fisheries are tricky. I give NY state tons of credit for their work.
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