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August 4, 2014
Last visited
September 21, 2017
Everything posted by clarence
I'm not 100 percent sure it's two stroke maybe 92
125 force motor
Not sure of yr it's a 125 force 2 stroke. It's still on boat. Boat is no good. Motor runs fine. 900 for motor can get started if interested. My number is 585-297-7180 thanks Clarence
I'm in holly NY might be a bit of a drive but I believe 12 ft I could measure if u r interested still.
I'm in holly NY might be a bit of a drive but I believe 12 ft I could measure if u r interested still.
I have the 2 copper setupd.
5 pancake weights 3 12LB 2 10 lb and 1 8lb. 100 for all or 30 each. 2 big john electric planner boards 200 for both. 2 Connor balls 10 or 12 lb. 2 fish weights 12 lb 5 misc weights with rubber coating on all weights. Make offer on 1 or all weights just be fair. I have 2 tackle boxes plum full of spoons and repalas and j plugs. Sell 10 in a lot or buy them all. I can not post pics cause I have no idea how. I also have 2 canon short arm electric downriggers 275 for pr.
I can not figure out how to post picks.i have 3 12ld 2 10 lbs and a 8 lbs. 125 for all. I also have 2 tackle boxes full of spoons and repalas not sure of a price but 10 or more. . I have 2 big john electric planner boards with planners 200 for pair.. 2 wire rods and reels 100 for the pr.
I have 2 big john electric planner boards,2 electric downriggers, 2 tackle boxs full of spoons repalas and j plugs, 2 copper setups. 6 pancake wts, prolly 8 or ten canon balls. ect . if interested age me we will talk price.
Looking to sell my fishing boat. All setup . Docked at oak orchard by narbys. LOTS of poles tackle and 4 electric riggers, electric planner boards, radio, down temp and speed, auto pilot,Scotty black box and new ray marine fish finder. 6,000. Private message me you number I can send pics. With trailor but no reg on trailor.
Ok these are filled with shot so if you are in need of lead let me know.
Well I guess I don't know what stuff is. I though the torpedo weights was the ones that look like torpedos instead I bough a bunch of these riviera weights. Sorry guys for not knowing what they are. Lesson learned though.
Well I did purchase some weight but I guess a lesson learned I thought the ones I was buying was torpedo but they were the old riviera weights. I have a dozen of those. Maybe 200 lb of cannon balls a old fish weights.
Does anyone buy lead????. What would someone pay for say 1000 lbs.
As soon as I go look next saturday I will post if I got them.
There are also about 75 anchors.
Ok thanks I won't know till next saturday.
Just s checking if people are interested. Going to a sale and there is a hundred rigger balls. All sizes also torpedo,cannon and regular round ones. If there is enough interest I will buy the lot. I can prolly get them for less that 10 each.
If there is a weigh station around the oak would be great. Maybe narbys.
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