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Knotlost Charters

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Everything posted by Knotlost Charters

  1. I prefer the wire myself and I get the from torpedo as it doesn’t kink as much if at all. Twill tips are very important, as far as rods You need enough flex so in rough sea your not tripping them all the time but stiff enough so you can still manage the “big one”. There are many that will work good.
  2. I had same problem and a new fuel pump fixed it.
  3. Darwin is mad and he will be back……
  4. Saltiest is one of the best and Shimano is right there to. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Magic marker on the back. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. The birds are very nice! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. 10 to 12 miles per he wind will be to much out of the west or north. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. They will probably say you cant gas you boat up except at there fuel dock now that there is one.
  9. When you replace rivets, use whats called "structural rivets" they are stronger than original. Put a bit of 5200 calk/glue on them and rivet them inplace. The best method for checking rivets is with a cold chisel and hammer, place chisel on head and Lightly tap and listen, bad rivets sound much different. But dont hit the head so hard your wrecking good rivets. Its very easy in practice.
  10. Exactly I have been a construction supervisor as well, and I don't know any in private sector that would not have gotten canned over the way they are doing this job.. So many cool aid drinkers.....
  11. So a fountain, you can steal a lot of money pretending to spend it on and expensive fountain next to the one of the largest fresh water sources in the world. Makes sense if your a white collar thief. By the way, I do think that the government institutions like the city that is going to manage a marina should do it at least as efficient as the privately owned marinas. Do you know of any marina that is not used 7 months a year shutting down and doing the work the 5 months it can be used. That was a rhetorical question, only a moron would do that if there was a way to avoid it. Even if the work took 3 years in the winter they would still do all the work in the off season.
  12. I have heard they are going to use the parking lots for something that Politicians think is more important than fishermen, with vehicles and trailers. So that's going to go away from what I have been told, so if you think this is bad wait till you see what they will do to you. You can launch but no where to park your vehicle and trailer close by. I guess they found a way they can make more money, so its there for them to steal.
  13. I have a few herby fish style weights, some are finished some are not. Have several ball weights as well. $30 for the 12# herby weights, $25 for the 8# painted and $20 the unfinished (unpainted, un-filed balls ) $35 for the #14 herby fish unfinished
  14. All the same size, but the pictures do make them look different. I didn't notice till now, but no all the same size the standard size no magnums.
  15. Is there brand new lead , size waxed 41 caliber. 215 grain semi wadcutters sized it .411 top quality , getting rid of extra stock $50 for 500 and I have two boxes of 500 I’m selling. I can ship both in a large flat rate box for 20 bucks to your door. I take PayPal but you pay fees. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  16. This is six Dipsy divers there are .....black two, chrome one, glow one, green one, orange one, and assorted rings glow yellow white rings take a good look at the pictures you’re getting what you seeing. $75 shipped USPS medium flat rate box to your door or $60 picked up in Fulton New York. I accept PayPal but you pay the cost. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. I did my 26 footer 2 years ago, no its not glued only fasteners. You will need to cut the corners of the transom, as on the top its welded. Its not a big deal it can be re welded or riveted back together. When its all off spend some serous time cleaning the transom skin on the inside. I found many corrosion pin holes, I welded or replaced skin where needed. I also coated the inside of my skin with the epoxy that's for tinny boats cant think of the name but its for filling holes and creating a no corrosion surface. I have had marine plywood coated with epoxy rot to hell in 10 years, I would not have though it so but it did and it wasn't in bad conditions either. It shocked me but it did. I replace my tansom with an all aluminum 2 X 2 tube and 1/4 inch plate. It works flawless and I had a bunch of Nancy's tell me the world was going to stop spinning if I did. Flexing can be an issue of concern and dont dismiss it, when your done and you take it out to sea test it (I know you will of course, will very carefully) run a few strings across the back on the outside, you can duct tape them and watch them as you accelerate to make sure your not getting excessive flexing. You have to have a way to check and make sure the transom isn't moving much. If you have a lot of flexing back to the drawing board. That's why I went the way I did.
  18. When brown trout ends most of the season is out there. Until lot unless late season move us in. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  19. Auhhh Primer bulbs have check valves in them already... Yes it will work fine the way you described.
  20. They will just plain work, use mine almost every day and never had a failure in 8 years..... I just with the booms were flexible to relieve some of the stress on the boat.
  21. I like the Tracktex stuff as well.
  22. I have a Raymarine and its very nice, Im amazed at how nice the new ones are. Contact L+M he can help you out with everything and has great prices.
  23. Looks like a much better set up now its closer, so you can just use a bracket off your main. Kickers are way better than using your main, not even close if you use the boat a lot. If only on occasions then maybe its not worth it.
  24. Bare, that's why its marketed as "AlumaBrite" because it brightens aluminum.
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