I really dont know what colors work good. I believe greens and blues maybe black . I dont have alot to invest as just got boat motor rebuilt, shew, that hurt . Anyhow, maybe put some together and lmk what ya might want for em. Just getting started in salmon trolling so good advice will help. Thanks alot,Mike
Yep, gotta wait.3.days for the dispute. Just want everyone on LOU to see these fellas working together to sham people. They should b banned from LOU site. Bad people..
I believe that. Was turned onto a fella secondhand from a member here and guy got my money and seems to disappear. Asked for friends payment on paypal to save fees , should have known then, do now
Looking for some used or reasonable priced rigger balls. I have old style cannon mag 10's and hope they will handle the 12 lbers. Any help or guidance would be appreciated. I live in Ohio so shipping would be needed. thanks all, Mike