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Everything posted by fishin2

  1. So, kings like the 50 degree water or a bit cooler ?
  2. Your not gonna be in the olcott area this week are ya ?
  3. If I read it right, you CAN clean a fish while on the lake but must leave the filet whole and skin on. Anyone steer me right. Only would consider it if late eve , no cleaning station open.
  4. Nope, your good. Just what I wanted, but , is it imperative to change hooks out ?
  5. What exit number is Indian station at ?
  6. Thanks fellas, thought so. Does it state that in the NY fishing regs? Also saw a thing about 3 rods /person, no more than 15 points.
  7. Are sliders a free lure on a line, be it free or fixed ?
  8. Maybe someone ride in and not get in the boat, lay low. Make em sweat when caught...
  9. What test fluoro do you use 25 ?
  10. Thanks fellas. Is there a good tackle shop on 79 south of olcott. Seem to remember something about one
  11. Is a leader put on the copper, say 30' fluoro?
  12. Coming to NY first week of august. Usually rent a dock at olcott but this year might be full already. Can anyone point me in the direction of another launch close. We have a room at Lighthouse and would like to stay close if possible.
  13. Got mine today, TY
  14. Just getting started in the salmon game. Looking for a deal on flies ,dipseys ,spin doctors and other pertinent equipment needed. On a very tight budget but need to start somewhere. Thanks all and it would need shipped to Ohio.
  15. paypal sent. Mike Browning, 234 Ethel St., Bucyrus, Ohio, 44820
  16. you take paypal? If so, ppm me info please.
  17. Thanks all, very sound advice. Any loan officers here, gonna need it !! Seriously, like to thank all for the advice, well taken and arsenal is growing.
  18. Thanks HB, gonna c about a set of riggers too. Seems as that is about the best bet for easy depth.
  19. My heads spinning already...thanks guys.
  20. how much line out to get to say 65', they have magnum divers I think. Thanks fellas
  21. Just getting into salmon fishin from own boat. How can a person get to the needed depth for kings without riggers. Open to all as this is a learning to me. Thanks all.
  22. Thanks for all the replies. Found me a 21' wellcraft sportsman. Now, gotta load her up with goodies !!
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