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Prof T

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Everything posted by Prof T

  1. 3/4 million fry stocked annually and no impact ??????? Keep up the thankless effort. How are you funded and how can we help?
  2. You beat me to it, Justin. Nobody has more at stake than professional fishermen, and a vibrant fishery is first priority. A buddy is a local who has had guides as friends for 60 years. Asked one of them why he ended his career, he responded because he just couldn't in good conscience take peoples money when there weren't fish caught. In my uneducated opinion, habitat loss from development and the carpet of zebra mussels changed everything more than pressure
  3. Too bad someone can't give us some tags and instruction. It would give me an excuse to fish more .​ It would be cool to see just where the "flamers" travel.
  4. Sorry to hear of the encounter. There is certainly no shortage of clueless idiots here as well. Getting so I'm fishing earlier and earlier rather than the evening bite for the same reason. This morning and Saturday morning were smoking...landed 11, was able to release a 30, a couple in the mid 20's, and a couple shorts. Did have to keep another big fish that was hooked bad and took a long time to get out of the net.
  5. Glad the bite is getting going and I hear you on being stubborn. Got a tackle box full of lures that haven't had a fair test. I, too, love the fall but don't want to rush summer away. Come October we all get pulled in lots of directions. Justin, when you say you bumped the speed up, what is your preferred range? Granted, we contend with current here on the SLR, but I run 1.2 to 1.5 while Kevin is usually below 1. (SOG) . In his boat he'll usually outfish me while in mine I can hold my own. Generally same lures!
  6. Great fish. Glad you're connecting.
  7. Listen, the walleyes have self regulated...last time out I got one smallmouth solo, and Kevin and his guest got one walleye and a couple smallmouths. Not all days are banner days. Seriously, you all know we spend a lot of time on the water and have been lucky to learn the behavior of a few fish in a few places. Not really different than a guy who knows a stream, has a home lake, or trolls the big lake. Early in the season I'm bent on getting fish for the freezer, a 4th of July clambake where I fry fish bites for the kids, and a neighborhood fish fry next week. Just like last year, I now self impose a slot limit for the rest of the season just like Roybee, Kevin and others. Responsible anglers realize the damage that overharvesting can produce. I don't keep every fish I catch. Depending on how badly they are hooked,or how tough a fight they had getting into the boat, I then decide whether they get put in the live well or back into the river. I would hate to have to release fish I know are going to die because of a mandatory slot limit. Additionally it doesn't pain me to put a 28 incher back, but no matter where you set a slot, anglers here could conceivably not be able to keep any of their catch. Some days you can't buy a fish under 24. Imagine trailering all the way to fish, getting a couple 25 + fish and not being able to take anything home. You guys are right that those who can be on the water as much as me, a retired old fart who worked a whole career dreaming of having a fishing boat tied to a dock out front , can really put a hurt on a fishery, duck pond or deer woods. The key is to set example all of the time. It's not always about limits or 10 lb fish. Sorry for the rant.
  8. Prof T

    SLR Wally

    Glad to see you're connecting...sweet fish Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
  9. Ditto, PAP.
  10. Prof T

    SLR Eyes

    Glad to hear you got out and connected. Picked up a limit myself. Things seem to be improving, but fish have been finicky. They seem to be holding tight to very specific structure. 10 yards off and forget it. By the way, that's a beautiful picture.
  11. Nice limit border and catch for you as well, Kevin. I personally fished 4 to 5:30 AM for two 17 inchers. Needed to hit the freezer for tonight's fish dinner for company. They'll never know.
  12. Nice catch! Welcome aboard!
  13. Had a good week fishing in perfect conditions. Made it outa half dozen times. Moon cycle great, winds great, able to get my 3 fish without too much difficulty. I did do a lot of moving around though both to try to target different fish as well as take advantage of low fishing pressure. I know some other guys did the same. I thought last night would be the same. Perfect moon, didn't even get on the water till 10:30PM. Stuck it out till 12:30. Got 1 midget walley and foul hooked a rock bass! I hate being human!
  14. Most guys that have read my posts know I'm an after dark fisherman. The fish have been cooperating this week, but family dinner plans kept me in the house last night. So I got up at " 0 kevin 30 " and was on the water by 3:30 AM. Decided to explore a couple spots that are a little farther away than I generally go, Pleasantly surprised as my limit came pretty quickly. Had to share the river with only one other boat at daybreak. Photo attached. Not a bad way to start the day! Other caption could have been "how to make a 21 incher look small" Cheers!
  15. Prof T

    SLR Eyes

    60.3 surface temp last night
  16. Prof T

    SLR Eyes

    Don't worry, Roybee, Randy and I have got you covered!
  17. Prof T

    SLR Eyes

    Checked last year's log and expected things to start heating up. Big, big hatches of bugs. Baitfish starting to ball up. Walleyes on the ambush. LIFE IS GOOD! Took me longer than usual but a nice night to be out after the wind went down.
  18. It turns out as I had expected...we ALL like to figure them out, spend time and money catching them, go through the work of preparing them but get the most enjoyment out of treating friends and family to fine table fare that you just can't get anywhere else. My most requested appetizer.
  19. I know there is a seperate recipe thread, but if you're a walleye guy and haven't tried this you are missing out. Simple appetizers everyone will love. Just take chunks of walleye, a little salt and Old Bay, and wrap with only1/9 a strip of bacon. I cut into thirds lengthwise, then cut them into 3 strips. Adds flavor and gives the tooth pic or scewer something to grab. Grill till the bacon is done and the fish will be AWESOME. Not a bad use of cheeks if you've got them either.
  20. ditto here too...moving around to find fish that want to cooperate....pick one here, one there. Had a decent night a couple days ago, but also have had some no action nights to go along with it. Shad flies? Have a buddy in Fishers Landing. North west wind brigs them in in SHEETS.
  21. Prof T


    I've wanted to post this for some time about visibility at night. REMEMBER YOUR LIGHTS. They are there so that you can be seen, not so that you can see. I've swapped out all of mine for 2 mile LED's. I replaced my bow light with port and starboard side mounts a couple feet back because my trolling motor obscured it. Everyone, take a look at yours....you owe it to the rest of us. My boat is bright, yet there are times when it seems someone has a course set right on you long enough to make you get nervous. Keep a strong light where you can get at it in a hurry. And don't hesitate to let them know you're there. The river has a big population of pleasure boaters, many of them are out at night, and just like everywhere there are some who just don't think. Also don't expect everyone to adhere to the 15 MPH night speed limit. I have the luxury of not having to be out on the big weekends. Or, if you're up to it, do it like Kevin.....3 AM! Don't get me wrong, with the number of hours we spend out in the dark, the number of close calls is minimal. Fortunately, while fishing we're mostly hugging the shoreline. But while running you will be amazed how distorted your depth perception becomes. Best to stay in the areas you are familiar with. Sorry for the rant
  22. Prof T


    Had a boat of three on a perfect night to be out last night. Managed to land just about every fish we had on, had minimal tackle issues, and enjoyed the company of two guys who are both passionate and capable fishermen. Also fished alongside another boat with considerate anglers so we could both be successful. End result: limit of 9. Floor of my boat never looked so good!
  23. Prof T

    SLR End of May

    Put in a couple hours last night. Pretty stiff wind was pushing a lot of water down river and the current seemed rather hefty. 2 1/2 hrs till midnight, 1 fish on for about 1 microsecond. Better days ahead.
  24. Prof T

    SLR Eyes

    Esox, Congrats on the success. With the bluebird weather there were sure a bunch of boats out. Hopefully this week will settle down and I'll be back out myself.
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