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Everything posted by adesalvo

  1. Great Job!
  2. We left rochester at 430 while it was still raining and it stopped as soon as we got to the south end launch in woodville bout 515. we struggled for the first few hours with weeds submerged about 30 to 40 foot down. Also the southend was a total washout and muddy. once we finally got about a mile north of the launch we had some better luck, water was clear and we had better luck! The wife struggled to get this beautiful bow in the boat took about 15 min! We are planning on hitting deans Friday morning with my old man!
  3. Darkskies has the wind direction in single digits with gusts up to 17 out of the south. That sounds like the weather last Friday and it was manageable.
  4. Nice fish! I used the Willis knot to attach fluorocarbon to leadcore. https://images.app.goo.gl/cgshmEfKRZHmrDpr5
  5. Launched out of deans cove for the first time and shot across the lake and setup in 200 with the riggers set at 75 for lakers and 50 for the bows. we found a bait pod at 150 and every time we went past it the poles lit up until about 930 and the bite died hard. we managed to get 3 in the boat and lost a bunch. 1 on a broken mono leader, 3 jumped off on the rainbow spread at 50 and we got a bunch of releases on 75. fun day maybe we will be back next Saturday?
  6. Not bad at all in my little 17 inch glass tron! Got 3 in the boat and a bunch of misses . My boy and I had our first double header..
  7. I will be out of deans cove tomorrow morning around 6AM. I will post updates..
  8. I am planning on going out Friday morning! I will be reaching out!
  9. adesalvo

    Canandaigua Fleas

    Accurate report!
  10. adesalvo

    Canandaigua Southend 6/13

    On the water at 530 to 1030 boated 2 and had about 6 releases. I was using some NK silver Magnums I got off eBay that I should of sharpened ahead of time, shame on me. I was about 70 feet down stacked at 15 feet with magnums on spin doctors on the bottom and silver jplugs on top. I swear this lake only likes silver and no UV! hoping to be out next Friday when the moon is in a waning crescent.
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  11. adesalvo

    Canandaigua 6/6 southend

    Fished the south end this morning from 530 to 930 and got 2 lakers in the boat and 3 that jumped off. One was a rainbow that jumped about a foot out when my youngest was on the retrieval and snapped the swivel. Spindoctors with 32 inch leaders with old school NBK silver was the ticket for lakers. The rainbow hit on my upper stack on a silver plug.
  12. Men, My 16 year old and my #2 on board called the DEC Monday and they confirmed the docks should be in today! I am guessing with current going’s on that it will most likely be tomorrow. our plan is to have lines in the water by 5:15 Saturday morning! Anthony
  13. Got the poles in at the south beach about 6:45 am next time it will be 5:45am because the bite just died at 9am. Had a bunch of releases and finally 1 in the boat on a Michigan Stinger magnum NBK with a pro troll NBK pattern. Things got quite and went to branchport and put out same rig but with dipsies instead of slide divers and got another in the boat, Green and White were the colors today.
  14. I will be out in iBAY tomorrow for most of the day. I live right down the street from the big lake and did a recon on the mud-line and it seems like it's pretty close to shore. 5853545058
  15. Oh look at that tail!
  16. On the water at 7am in at 11:30 am went 5 for 9 on browns from 30 to 15 fow. Inline planers with rapala stickbaits got 3 in the boat and the riggers with spoons got the other 2. Had a lot of luck with the pro weight system on the planers in front of Webster park and ship builders creek. UV colors in the morning and Silver once the sun was a little higher in the sky!
  17. Long time reader first time posting.. I got out in front of the charlotte pier yesterday 9/26 for about 2 hours (time was limited) and pulled in 2 medium 15 pounders. one on the dipsy using an orange uv michagan stinger and the other using a kwikfish 014 on a green paddle on the down rigger. A quick thanks to all quality contributors making the science behind trolling for salmon and lakers a little more digestible. My last day out before we put the boat away will be October 3 and 4th, depending on the weather I might be out on the big lake again. Anthony
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