Good Luck!!! ErieBuck. I hope you have a great time with your Dad. Kudos to you for a great attitude and doing everything you can to make a memorable trip for your family
I agree with jpiatkowski. If you had water intrusion, the metal parts of the battery pack are most likely corroded. Happened to me, replaced the battery pack and o-rings on the battery cover and mine works great. Makes sure you put a coat of waterproof grease on the o-rings. It helps keep water out and makes it much easier to unscrew. FYI make sure the battery back is connected + to +.
If you need service my experience with Fish Hawk was A+
Didn't plan on a great day with East winds & there was alot more traffic than usual on East wind days
Lines in 6:00am-11:00. Did not see a ton of fish on screen in any depth today. NO fish caught on leadcore or copper or flasher/flies All Spoon Day! Dipsys at 220ft & 240ft & riggers at 70-80ft. Glow Wonderbread, Seasick Wadler and Green Gator. 3 Salmon, 2 Steelhead & 2 Lake Trout, mostly in 200ft-250ft.
4:00pm -8:30pm. Stopped & scanned for fish in 150ft & 200ft & saw nothing. Dropped lines in 250ft & headed north. 46deg @ 60ft. Screen blank and no bites till 400ft. 400-550ft got 6 nice steelhead. Turned around got 2 kings, 1 coho & 4 more steelhead heading back south. All spoon bite, Wonder bread was the steelhead favorite, Spoons with Green took the salmon. Nothing on Copper lines. Riggers 50ft-70ft down and 10 color leadcores caught fish. Lake was beautiful 4:00-6:30pm and then 3-4fts rolled in real quick, saw lightning at 8:30pm and pull the plug.
Fished out of Olcott this morning 6:00-11:00am. Got fish in 185ft-235ft, 40-50ft down. Landed 20lb king, 10lb & 7lb coho and a 10lb steelhead. Lost several others near the boat. Mostly spoon bite with one on flasher/fly. Beautiful day on the lake.
Co-Worker sold his boat. Buyer did not want the fishing equipment. He offered the equipment to me but I have too much already.
(2) Cannon Magnum 10A electric downriggers with swivel bases.
(17) rod/reel combos, mix of Diawa, Penn, Okuma, Shakespeare. Some with line counters & few large enough for Copper. Lots of extras including rod holders, net, tackle boxes.
This is a Great Deal! Your Basically getting a really good deal on the downriggers and everything else for free.
Whole Package $600. WILL NOT SEPARATE!!!! DO NOT CONTACT unless you are willing to take it ALL.
Located in Batavia.
Fished 6:30-noon 575-600fow.
Lots of boats. Most in the 500-600fow range.
Was slow from 6:30 till about 9:00 when the clouds cleared and sun came out then the action picked up. Had 4 fish on at once.
(16) good fish landed plush a bunch of juvenile salmon and steelhead
(4) 20 lb matures, (4) 2year olds 10-15lbs.
(4) 10lb steelhead & (4) 5-10lb.
Fish were deep. 85ft and 90ft on downriggers, 400 Copper, 250 Copper and Dipsey at 260 on 3 setting all caught fish.
Green Gator, Gold 42nd and Sea Sick Waddler Spoons and a Stud fly behind a wonderbread flasher did best.
Beautiful Day, all the matures were really dark and had tons of big alewives in their stomachs.
Fished 6:30am till noon. Set up in 150 fow and trolled North. 20lb king hit a glow Wonder bread spoon down 60ft in 175 fow. Nothing until we hit 350 fow then we got (4) more 19-21lb kings (3) 1 year olds and a small steelhead. Lost 2 big fish, one broke fresh 20lb Big Game and another broke hook after peeling off alot of line.
Tried alot of different spoons and meat rigs & flies but majority of fish were on Green Gator spoons, even spoons that were similar to Green Gators did not produce. Nothing on meat or flasher flies. All fish caught 50-60ft down.
Fished 2pm-8pm.
Best depth 95-115. 48F at 65ft. UV Stud fly & UV white paddle caught 50% of the fish. Mix of spoons got the rest. (1) 25lb (4) 15-20lb, (5) 10-15lb. (2) Steelhead and my 1st Atlantic. All flasher fly bite 2-6pm then the spoons took over at 6pm. 75% of fish on junk lines 350&300 copper. Downriggers 65 and 75.
Slow day. Fished 5:30-11:00. 3 for 6. 2 kings, 10lb & 5lb & a 7lb steel head. Started in 350ft and trolled to 450ft and then from 450ft back to 100ft. Saw very few fish. All caught on spoons. Rougher than the forecasted 2ft or less. Water was 60 deg 75 ft down everywhere but 450ft where it was 48.