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  1. Just got back from a week on the SLR was planning on mostly fishing for bass but brought my walleye stuff as well. I was hoping to maybe catch 1 and knew it would be tough never fishing for eyes in the river. Needless to say my expectations were surpassed. I caught my biggest open water eye at just over 8lbs and also got 2 over 6lbs I let those three go but was able to get 4 others around 24 inches that I kept to eat. I lost two giant somethings as well but with the current and strong winds I could not handle whatever I had on. Not sure if they were eyes or something else. Can’t wait to go back up now! I caught all my fishing jigging 7-9pm the guys trolling around me said they were doing better a lot later like 11pm and after. I did have some big marks suspended and I’m sure those were eyes. I will say if I had a good mark on bottom and could stay on them with the trolling motor they would hit. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Conesus walleye taste like hell due to almost exclusively praying on alewives. The smaller ones are not as bad but they are hard enough to catch and if you do get one they are seldom under 20 inches. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. Do you still have the rod holders available? Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  4. Wondering how you have your downrigger mounted on your yak? Have a picture of your setup?
  5. Good night to go before the wind switches though it's probably not glass right now either! Good luck Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. That's a single mark. Bait would be more of a ball shape or a longer flatter line. That's probably a decent size fish since it is showing some yellow in the mark showing that the fish is giving a stronger return in the middle of the mark. The fish was probably not coming up to check a lure but living in that space due to temprature. Looks to be about 70 down over 200 which could indicate a decent temp for a salmon. Hard to say without a temp from a probe.
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the update might give it a go tomorrow morning if wind cooperates. Thanks again tight lines!
  9. Any more action? Did you see any good temps or marks in closer than 120? Anyone close to the mouth this morning when you guys headed out?
  10. Thanks for the info! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. 3.5 mph you guys were moving! That the normal speed you troll at? I might be going to slow
  12. Should work well for walleye!
  13. I'm not sure if it is the same in Canada but here in the U.S you only pay sales tax on the final $ amount of the new boat after the trade in value has been deducted so take that in to consideration on trade in vs private sale. Lunds bring all the money on the private party side. I would try listing it on walleye boats for sale on Facebook and see if you can get a quick sale from a private party sale if not trade it in.
  14. What year and model is it, what motor is on it, does it come with any accessories? Hard to put a number on a boat from a single picture. If your on Facebook check join the group walleye boats for sale and then you can search the group to see what they have been selling for. Lund boat owners also on Facebook is another great resource.
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