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Everything posted by Dylan585

  1. Sea-iv. To become a member of the Irondequoit bay fish and game club I believe you have to be sponsored by 2 board members. I'm not 100% sure though. If you are interested PM me and I will talk to you about it.
  2. Bailey, I want too look into it when I get older after watching this guy today. Good luck if u do decide to get a bird
  3. I don't even know where I would put this topic, I think it would go here... But today a friend and I were out in Basil Marella park today playing disc golf. We were looking for a lost disc when I looked up and see a man in that appears to be a fishing jacket walk into the woods, along with the jacket he has some sort of metal rod, I was completely confused because the only water in the park is a small lifeless creek. I watched him for a minutes before I realize hat he had a falcon! He takes the birds hood off and yelled something and the bird took off and flew into a tree. The guy then walked around with his metal pole banging on trees until he finally found a squirrel. His is when the bird took over. The guy would throw stuff at the squirrel to get it moving and then the bird would just swoop in after it. My friend and I watched the bird kiss it three times before the squirrel final got into a hole in the tree. When my friend and I stopped watching the bird was perched up and waiting for it's handlers commands.... I had no idea hat this was even legal! Is it considered a form of hunting? Have any of you ever seen or heard of people doing this in the area? I'm just kind of in awe of the raw power of the bird and I'm just speechless on the whole thing...
  4. PM sent
  5. I wrote it to the New York mountain lion. I figure after reading that it's the same concept lol
  6. That those two did also, Ray, those are cool pictures. Is that a nurse shark?
  7. Thanks a lot guys, Ray, I've seen a large turtle when I was down fishing down in the outer banks. I wish I could see one up close let alone ride one
  8. Dawsoncreek, tNks a lot for posting that. It could very well have been mis id'ed
  9. Eatsleeptrout, it's *******'s like you that are causing young people to stop fishing and hunting. I try sharing something that I found interesting and something I wanted opinions on and you decided to turn into a complete dick. Please think hard about your life that your saying all of this and being so rude to a 17 year old. Please have a wonderful life
  10. Thanks Dawson creek. PM me eat sleep trout. I'd love to have a conversation with u
  11. Eatsleeptrout, I already said I'm not going to post it lol. Didn't u read that?
  12. I just went to Wilson's yesterday also... They said this is more then they've had at this point of the year
  13. If anyone has any good ways to cook back straps can you PM them to me... I've heard a bunch of different ways and I'm just wondering what some of you guys do
  14. Slipbob, it's a great gun. I usually carry a Remington model 31. I'm superstitious and decided to change things up
  15. Skipper, I did have orange on but I had taken it off. I always wear a ton of orange
  16. Thanks a lot guys! Vince, that's a good idea, I might hav to do that
  17. I would have loved a buck but for my first deer this is not a bad sized doe. I shot it today, out in mendon, just before dusk with my grandpas browning a-5 shotgun
  18. Wow eatsleeptrout.. Was it that difficult to comment on this post?
  19. A friend saw one big one down near Danville during bow season... Hasn't seen it sense
  20. Thanks man
  21. Ok sounds good lol
  22. What's the general meaning of it?
  23. What is that supposed to mean? I'm confused
  24. Eatsleeptrout, is that what this post is about? I don't think so. In fact I know so. I don't even want to bother because if it's not you are going to crucify me so why bother? So please... Stop spamming this post about something else and have a great day
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