nice shape!.. live close to the niagara border,could meet for pickup ..would take u.s.$ at the current exchange rate
EZ STEER ROD 23"CLOSED...i believe this is p/n 10002..great shape used for 2 seasons ,then made some adjustments requiring the next size up..if interested send me your email,and i will fire off a pic......$75 ....+. $5 shipping
Spydro under water camera
researching new products related to under water cameras,and what was new...i found this,and thought i would share...disclaimer:..i am in no way affiliated with this product ..
never mind just on the land base..if any of you ever fly over the english channel..there are huge floating barges of these things...with marker buoys to keep all boaters out....eye sore from a plane ,can only imagine up close..sacrilege!!..that will be next because they do not require real estate to sit on...