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Everything posted by Fish_Sam

  1. Hi all, does anybody know the mystical legend of the smallies this time of year on Conesus. I am heading out for one of my last fishing trips of the year and would love some pointers of where on that lake the smallies reside. I have been fishing Conesus for years and have had success with everything from LM to tigers. The smallies still avoid us like the plague. Thanks to everyone in advance.
  2. Fish_Sam

    for sale : usa 86 smokercraft 18' $4250

    Still Available? Thanks
  3. Looking for a 1990 type "B" Force 150 lower unit/gear housing....any help is appreciated **WOULD ALSO CONSIDER A GOOD RUNNING 150 OUTBOARD W/ CONTROLS AND TILT/TRIM, any BRAND***
  4. Reads a consistent 14 volts on the multi meter while running!
  5. Batteries are excellent, and compression is good on all 5 cylinders (don't know exact psi number, but a friend checked it with his gauge checked and said the compression was excellent. . I know the starter is failing due to me having it apart ....The brushes are shot and where brushes contact was "burnt looking". I cleaned the surface up and flipped brushes over. It was able to start motor, but the starter smoked a bunch.
  6. So we looked at all of your suggestions yesterday (thank you ) and also mickey moused, i mean rebuilt the starter and adjusted the floats on all three carbs. The bowls of the carbs were still filled with gas, is that normal after a week of sitting?? So on went the muffs and we turned the key........as usual. the motor fires right up on first crank in the driveway, go figure!! I will keep you posted once i put it back on the water and give it a "real" test. PS>>>>>does anybody have any suggestions on which starter to buy (brand??) there are dozens listed from $46-$200. All have eh reviews
  7. Try this. when you are running and it starts acting up have someone pump the primer bulb. If the boat runs fine or better while pumping then it is the fuel pump. If it isn't fuel pump it could be carbs need a rebuild. I will try this this weekend..Thanks
  8. A BIG NO on that . It actually acts as if the battery is dead. I did remove the plugs to see if it would crank and does so without the compression, but as soon as the plugs are reinstalled....hard to crank
  9. Built in tank...1990 Quantum Fish and ski boat
  10. I am the friend. It's a 1990 Force 150. Cold, it idles great and even runs great half / 3/4 throttle. At full throttle, its starts to lose RPM'S and eventually dies and will not restart for days. Any Ideas???
  11. We have been out the last two weeks, with some success (3 fish all over 17") so I believe trophyseeker is correct with the assumption of the gobies being eaten. The big problem here is there are just no small fish. In most cases that would be great, but where are the younger generation to keep the population going? I hope it's just a simple case of not finding them.
  12. 24-30 ft is where they were. Nothing but goby hits before 24ft!
  13. Update: We went to the bluffs again yesterday. We tried trolling, jigging, cranking., etc. Not much luck until we were just sitting there chewing the fat when out of nowhere..BAM!!! My buddy got our first "memorable" smallie of the year, tipping the scales at almost 5lbs. Believe it or not, it was the lack of presentation that worked. Just sitting a tube on the bottom with no action...He pulled in another the same way except it was a swimbait just laying on the bottom. Another weird thing that happened was we boated an almost 20 inch LMB that was quite anorexic. I dont think I've ever pulled a LMB that far out in the lake...weird.
  14. ain't that the truth!!
  15. I've tried a couple of times since my original posting of this, all I can say is NOTHING!! Luckily Sodus Bay is a great confidence booster....When the smallies aint biting, go into the bay and I dare you not to catch some big a** LMB.
  16. I am going to be at the bluffs again this Saturday, I am going to give it try your way ...Thank you!
  17. We tried again today until the rain came, are there smallies anywhere now-a-days ?????????????? The bite for LMB in Sodus was pretty good today, so that saved the day!!
  18. I haven't fished the bluffs in about 30 years. From what I remember it was an ego boost for us to go there and catch fish no matter what the weather. Well.......my buddy and I got our fill of largemouths in the bay and decided, what the heck let's go get some smallies at the bluffs. Can anybody tell me where the fish went? All we saw was a whole lot of emptiness on the sonars. We fished from 5 ft to 40 ft without a single fish. We were throwing all types and sizes of plastics and the occasional crank bait...NOTHING!!! Am I wasting my time thinking the bluffs are what they used to be?
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