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Everything posted by fish-on

  1. Do fleas stick to it?
  2. If the weather straightens out i'll be going out with the 22fter, Looked good to go last week.
  3. Pm sent
  4. Anybody use the Shelton rfb heads for salmon? What color?
  5. Hunting/ fishing outdoor show at Dryden Fire Dept. Saturday March 9th 9-2 All kinds of stuff to buy.
  7. I have forsale a huge lot of salmon flashers, meat rigs, j-plugs $200.00 takes the whole deal, Also have 2 cabelas flasher files that go too, Plus a hanging j-plug holder, 22 flashers are 11" hotspots made in Canada, 3 Luhr- Jensen flashers 8" , 48 meat rigs, 57 j-plugs. Pm me if interested. FISH-ON Will trade for single plannerboard mast with two reels.
  8. You better start with another boat.
  9. Iv'e got 12 that i bought 25 years ago,Never used them so they are new, Won't sell em but if you got Thundersticks we'll talk, They are in colors... Blue/silver Black/silver Chart./silver Black/gold Perch Darkblue/silver Silver These are all 3'' pm me. or anybody else wanna trade.
  10. Wow!! Talk about communist.
  11. Just blowing alittle steam. Don't get me wrong, Im still for judges and police officers for doing their jobs. No use for Liberal dems! The worst thing is, These people are thinking these ar,.s are doing all the killing, It's not the case, Most are done with little pocket pistols, By people that don't even have the rights to own guns, Big time Felons that got their patties slapped and put back out on the streets, Maybe some of these judges that don't abide by the New York laws that were written on people caught with a pistol without a permit should be put in jail! If i remember right i think that law says a year in prison or should the person that wrote that law be put in prison? Seems to me Ithaca New YORK just seen this first hand with the guy that just shot a police officer, The guy that did the shooting was caught before with a pistol and drugs,Not punished for it. Plus drugs before that,Probation! This is his third time, What we gonna do now, Let him walk again! HOG WASH!! We don't need anymore gun laws, They need to go by whats already written, They can't even do that right.
  12. Had a trolling plate on my boat, It created alot of exhaust fumes enough to make you sick, Worked excellent but could'nt take it anymore, Went with two 5 gallon pales, Drilled just one small hole in the center of each bucket, Works very well.
  13. Iv'e got a bunch of F9s in all the colors, Jointed too, Some F11s, 95% of these are new never seen the water, Plus i have old ones too. I won't sell them but i'll trade for Jr thundersticks or Regular Thundersticks, Iv'e got triples in most colors. Any takers.
  14. I could probably go up the Yukon river too, I am kicking the idea around about putting a kicker on my boat though, Just for insurance. Anybody got a good kicker they wanna trade?
  15. fish-on

    Seneca seneca

    Big Dave, About 4 weeks should be in full swing.
  16. Bump Still forsale, These are old pictures, It looks way better than this.
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