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Joe W

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Everything posted by Joe W

  1. Thats great, thanks for the information guys, i will look at the otter boards for sure. dont mind spending the money as long as its a good product. dont care to fish with junk.
  2. Not having any experience with planer boards i am looking for advice. i am considdering purchasing a big jon double reel mast and using the bow floor flange to mount it and want to buy a pair of boards. does churchs make a mast cable board or do they only offer inline boards? if so what is the model # reccomended to be best.
  3. Raymarine rc425 chartplotter with navionics chip of lake ontario and hudson river good condition, must sell 175.00 or BO photos available upon request by text. I can be reached at 845-527-5077 Joe
  4. 2 Cannon mag 10 downriggers good condition 175.00 each, with rod holders, spooled with cable, swivel bases, pictures available upon request by text messaging. Can reach me at 845-527-5077 Joe.
  5. I just bought 2 new mag 10 stx downriggers that have positive ion control and was wondering if the black box would be beneficial to run on them or does the positive ion control do the same thing as far as voltage. Thanks in advance for any advise.
  6. You should have purchased an i troll, they come where its real easy to unplug the control and or kicker and leave wiring alone in the boat. also for about same money its a much better quality control and does a whole lot more.
  7. it is still available, you can call me if you like to discuss it.
  8. black color,one with telescopic boom, one solid boom, one rear rod holder on each, both with mounting block only. Pictures available via text messaging. 845-527-5077
  9. 1 raymarine RC425 chartplotter with antenna and navionics chip of lake ontario and chip of hudson river 200.00 for all. 1 cannon mag10a downrigger excellent cond. 200.00 1 cannon mag10 with bypassed short stop but works well, 175.00 4 life jackets with offshore beacon lights 25.00 each. photos available upon request via text messaging, text 845-527-5077
  10. u r welcome. No one would be dissapointed with this product.
  11. Recently i read a topic where guys were questioning which to buy.. Trollmaster or I troll ? I had just purchased a brand new mercury 6hp. 4 stroke kicker motor and wanted a control that would fit. I was only left with 2 choices since control king doesnt make one to fit that motor. After talking to the technical advisors at trollmaster they assured me that theyre trollmaster pro 2 fits. I paid 348.00 for the product and was very dissapointed with everything about it. As a former tool and die maker i expected at least a little precision in the parts since it is a throttle control. It was junk that was not nicely made or fit the motor properly. Throttle linkage was binding and servo chattering. Control buttons were hard to push and dial not consistant. I was not satisfied and returned the unit for a refund. Thats when i contacted Joel at i troll. He was very helpful and assured me the unit would fit and work properly as he explained. The i troll was 365.00 with the shipping and does alot more than trollmaster. very nice quality product. installed easy and works perfectly. I would recomend this product to anyone that wants a high quality throttle controler at a competative price Hope this is helpful for u guys looking for a throttle controller.
  12. Does anyone have any experience on how to install a trim gauge on an outboard boat that does not have one from the factory. Knock outs are already in the dash to accept a gauge but what else is required for the complete install.? The boat is a 1993 starcraft with a 75 hp mercury motor.
  13. Do these riggers have auto stops ? would u consider selling two with the telescopic booms ?
  14. Has anyone had any experience with mounting two transom mount transducers next to each other ? recently purchased a new hummingbird 688ci di and am not ready to take older unit out of the boat yet. Was considering running both for a while but im not quite sure if the two transducer mounted next to each other would fight each other. Hummingbird does recommend minimum 15" from the prop to avoid turbulance . Any advice is appreciated.
  15. Being fairly new to the boating worid, i would just like to compliment on the very educational comments i have been receiving through the lake ontario forum. it has been very helpful every time i had a question. Thanks to all u guys. the great information is always appreciated.
  16. The one i picked up for $43 a gallon says synthetic blend on the jug.
  17. Thank you for all the replys. That was very helpfull. I will run the injecter tank down as far as possible and switch to the full synthetic.
  18. Yea ,Thats what i was afraid of. starting 2nd guessing myself after i spent 43.00 for the gallon.
  19. Recently i purchased a 1993 mercury 2 stroke oil injected motor. Looks like previous owner may have used qiucksilver premium plus 2 stroke oil. When i purchased a new gallon i noticed it was qiucksilver premium plus synthetic blend. does this make a difference or are they compatible to be mixed in the same tank resevoir.
  20. Ok Great thank you.
  21. Hello King me, Thanks to you for your great advise I located a power cord for that rc 425 chart plotter. Was shipped to my house today. Fits back of unit perfectly as expected but i am really not quite sure on what wires go where without a wire diagram. there are seven wires coming out as i am sure you are aware of . Any advise on the wiring sequence by any chance. Thank you !!! Joe W.
  22. Ok that makes sense now. thank you guys for the very helpful information. will probably run a cable back to the motor.
  23. Wondering What guys did years ago when all there was is 2 strokes. Surely those charter guys were running kicker motors from the helm.
  24. Yea thats what i thought Should not be a big deal. i dont know what this guy from control king was talking about with carb work and timing work.
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