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  1. Thanks for the report! How did you do in the morning? Also how far down did you find the temperature and fish marks? Thanks!
  2. Anyone know if you are still able to launch out of Meyers Point Boat Launch?
  3. If anyone has any reports on recent bird numbers on Cayuga, Seneca, or Owasco please post or PM me. I'd like to do a Finger Lakes run this week and trying to decide which is best. Thank you!
  4. The fish descender has got to be better than piercing the air bladder with a needle. You can use the design in that link with the hook barb pushed down, or you can also just attach a binder clip (used for paper) to the line and clip it to a fin or jaw. A gentle tug when you reach depth, and the fish will pull right off. This can also be modified using a clip or ring to slide down your downrigger cable, so you can descend a fish while you keep trolling. Towing them around on the surface to revive them does not help the air bladder, or the temp change. Descending them back down to the right temp and pressure seems best.
  5. If anyone has any helpful reports from today, please post! Thank you.
  6. Any updates on whether Wrights Landing boat launch is open? Thank you!
  7. Not sure if there will actually be enforcement or anything.... "To limit the community spread of COVID-19, use of all DEC-owned boat launches is temporarily suspended for recreational boaters" https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7832.html
  8. Planer boards would help get your lures in shallow while keeping the boat out a bit. Also maybe a little slower, 2.2 - 2.5. Sometimes they are in shallow, sometimes 12-18 ft. And sometimes we get skunked Keep trying, one of these times your pole will double over and you'll fight a 12 lb brown till your arms are tired
  9. Let us know how you do
  10. Yeah but the article on Syracuse.com clearly states, the boat launch can still be used at Wrights
  11. Yeah but the article clearly says the boat launch at Wrights can still be used.
  12. https://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2020/04/oswego-mayors-coronavirus-message-stay-at-home.html This article says Wrights Landing is closed... but the last line of the article says "A boat launch at the marina can still be used"!!!!
  13. "A boat launch at the marina can still be used"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. That article is from 2019....
  15. The local news tonight said the City of Oswego is closing Wrights Landing, and allowing no unnecessary travel on city streets?!?!?
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