Launched out of taughannock around 1230 with my dad. We started south because we also go north towards the Girl Scout camp. We marked tons and tons of bait and fish from the surface down to 50’ then here and there afterwards to 150’. I always run two riggers along with cheater lines. Spoons were Greens, oranges and purple because they always produce fish for us so that’s what I had out. They wanted nothing todo with us so after a couple hours I decided that we should head north towards the camp where we always get lakers. Didn’t marked much but did some circles and landed two small lakers. Then this happens! We troll back to the launch and just at 645pm when it’s getting to be dusk. The one rigger goes off hard. This sounds crazy but the rigger was set at 75’ and I had the spoon 75’ behind the ball. By the time my dad put it in neutral and grabbed the net, the fish was literally underneath our boat then in front of our boat. I walked around the boat 3 times with it then it seemed like I was stuck. Not sure if he dove down in the weeds but I held him tight for maybe 10 minutes. My dad said we were in 234’ according to the fish finder. However the fish finder reads 0.0 for depth half the time due to not knowing enough about it. So now it’s getting dark and my dad is nervous about taking the boat out lol. So I just gave more pressure, all of a sudden it breaks lose and I feel a couple tugs so I reeled about 5 ft and it seemed like I was stuck again. Gave more pressure to the point where it broke my line. Guy coming out said either a big laker or brown. We’ve fished there about 3 dozen times and never encountered this lol. We’ve caught tons of 6lbs lakers there. The video is when I was about to break it. Kinda despressed to think of what it was but still a fun beautiful day to be out.
Hello was wondering if anyone has been out of taughannock lately trolling with spoons and how they’ve been making out. Thinking of coming up tomorrow. Thanks In advance.
launched around 230 and trolled between launch and boyscout camp. Marked lots of stacked fish between 10 to 35fow right out infront of launch. A few big marks between 40 and 60'. Landed 8 short landlocks(16 to 17") in 20 to 30fow and picked up a 25" laker in 60fow. All came from orange or green spoons.
alright kool thank you, any colors hitting more then others? Last year orange spoons and green spoons did real well for us but i read that purple and silvers are hitting them.
heading up in the morning anyone having luck with spoons or can tell me where to go with the riggers? Second year up at cayuga and have only fished by the boyscout camp. Thank you guys
Sorry I never got back to this post. I never ended up going. The lund is all waxed and winterized. Next destination will be ontario in the spring for browns and whatever else wants to bite.
Sorry I never got back to this post. I never ended up going. The lund all waxed and winterized. Next destination will be ontario in the spring for browns and whatever else wants to bite.
This is a far stretch but I figured it ask. Looking for a top or in closure for a 2002 lund pro v se 1800. Can't seem to find anything other then one that looks real cheap. I would like a dodger top.