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Everything posted by nickihoyboy

  1. Bayonne59, had pretty much the same experience, only two weeks instead of one. Boiled my brake fluid and had my brake pedal go right to the floor towing my 23' boat in a two hour traffic jam on the PA Turnpike. Sat on the shoulder for eight hours trying to get some help, finally decided to try and make the next exit (13 mi. away) at 11:30PM with light traffic, only to find that the brakes were working fine once the fluid cooled. Never heard of this before, except in NASCAR, but I Googled it and it describes my situation exactly. Very weird. Anyway, get to my rental near Mexico at 5:30AM, take a nap, then take the boat over to Lighthouse Marina where I had reserved a slip, only to find I can't launch at their ramp because of the low water. The owner of Lighthouse, Abe, offers to go with me to the Mexico launch and drive my truck and trailer back to the marina while I drive the boat back. Barely got the boat off the trailer at Mexico, but finally got tied up at Lighthouse. Fished hard for two weeks from the plant all the way up to north of North Sandy, from 85' out to 400', with very little success. Threw everything I had at them, spoons, flasher/flies, meat rigs, you name it. Tried speeds from 1.5 to 3.2, didn't seem to matter. Even tried some stickbaits and j-plugs in frustration. Ended the trip with one king in the high teens, two steelies 9-1/2 and 10-1/2 lbs., one brown 6 lbs., one small laker and a bunch of small browns that ate the spoons (all released except the king). The charters out of Lighthouse didn't seem to be doing much better. Plenty of marks and plenty of bait, but didn't seem like the kings were interested. I was told the same thing, come the last two weeks of August and the first two weeks of September. Talk about combat fishing time. And I waited all year anticipating a great fishing trip. Oh well, that's fishing.
  2. Text sent. I'll take them.
  3. Fished out in front of the nuke plant all weekend with no luck on kings. What water depths were you fishing? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Not sure where to post this, but I hope this finds the owner. While fishing off Mexico Bay/Salmon River on Monday, my crew accidentally snagged somebody's copper line and side planer, which ended up in my downrigger cable. Not sure how it happened and I apologize if it was my fault, and I would like to see the owner at least get the side planer back. The boat was a small aluminum boat, probably 16', with a distinctive beach umbrella for a canopy. We recovered the spoon, the copper line and the right side side planer board. If this rig is yours, or you might know whose it is, I would like to see them get it back. Please contact Nick at 201-870-2311, or through Nickihoyboy at Lake Ontario United. I'm from NJ but will be in the Mexico/ Pulaski area through Saturday, 8/7. Hoping this can help.
  5. ErieBuck, Not sure the PM thing is working. Got a notification that you responded to my PM but getting no message. Just let me know how you would like to be paid. Thanks, Nick
  6. I will take them. Will send PM.
  7. Thanks guys. Do you happen to know if they have short term dock space available?
  8. Wondering what the latest situation is at Wright's in Oswego. Haven't heard much since very early in the spring about the ongoing construction and what is happening with the dock situation. Last I heard the launch ramps were open, but that's about it. Thought I heard something about the work being completed by the middle of July, but we all know how those schedules go when any part of the local, state or federal governments are involved. Any info would be appreciated.
  9. Looking for a dock space for my 23' Aquasport from 7/20/21 through 8/07/21 in the Mexico/Catfish Creek area. Have already tried Mike's and Salmon Country with no luck. If you have a space, or know somebody that might have one, I'd sure like to hear about it. Might be willing to pay for a whole month to get those two and a half weeks, depending on the deal. Respond here or PM me at 201-870-2311 with anything you might have. Thanks, Nickihoyboy
  10. There's no nookie like chinookie!
  11. This is probably just ignorance, but that never stopped me before, so here goes. So one of our wonderful government agencies decides that there should be protections placed on certain species, like cormorants and seagulls. For what purpose? It seems like both species' populations are out of control, to the point where they are causing environmental damage to other important species. Historically, were the cormorant and seagull populations ever as high as they are now, became depleted, and they are now trying to manage the populations back to previous levels, or what? I wish they would explain what their goal is by placing ridiculous protections on these birds. It doesn't take a Ph.D to know that populations out of balance with their environment can cause major harm to their surroundings. It's kind of ironic that protections are placed on these birds which have, in my opinion, minimal value to the environment, while allowing them to overpopulate and do serious damage to a resource valued in the tens of millions annually. Why are the folks responsible for these stupid migratory bird regulations placed on cormorants not addressing the issue more seriously considering the money that's involved? Typical government incompetence, inaction and pass the blame!
  12. Amazing!! Can't believe the way what seemed to be to be a simple question about where one might find early breakfast turned into some way out suggestions about the charters providing breakfast for their clients. Talk about getting sidetracked! Maybe some adventurous entrepreneur with a roach coach should set up at the marinas or launch ramps early in the morning. Could be a gold mine for somebody, except for all the regs about sales on state or private property. Still, could work.
  13. x2. You tell 'em Bob! Agree 100%>
  14. Thanks Capt. Dan. Great information, very helpful, especially to those of us who travel from a long distance. Makes it so much easier to make plans when we can know what to expect when we get to the ramp.
  15. For all you guys out there running braid for downrigger cables, how well do stacker releases work on the braid? Any problems with them sliding on the braid or releases not holding, as I know braid is much more slippery than wire? Thinking about changing from wire to braid on my Scottys, already know I would need to change the stop beads. Thanks.
  16. Agree with HB2 100%. The super glows don't seem to produce as well initially in dark or low light conditions, better after being in the water for a while and losing some of the glow. Super glow better in deep water, high sun conditions, but like everything in this fishery, there are a lot of exceptions because there are so many variables.
  17. They both look awesome! Kudos to bikinibottom.
  18. Sounds well thought out to me with all your bases covered. Would like to hear how everything turns out. Keep us posted.
  19. Not sure why you want to do that with only one receptacle because you couldn't have power to the anchor winch and the trolling motor at the same time. If you don't mind continuously changing plugs I don't see why it wouldn't work, though. Just make sure the 12v plug is wired to the first of your three batteries, otherwise you'll be sending either 24v or 36v to the anchor winch, which wouldn't work out well. And those three prong MinnKota plugs ain't cheap if you're buying another one. Just my opinion.
  20. A long way. I live in southern New Jersey.
  21. I have two unused Cannon Mag10A downriggers for sale. These are the old style riggers with the slow speed motors, 60FPM if I'm not mistaken. Both of these downriggers are brand new, never mounted, never used. I bought them at the Suffern Sport Show about 15 years ago to put on my boat, then came down with a serious case of Lyme disease and had to give up fishing and boating completely, so they ended up in my storage unit since that time. That boat is long gone, so I have no need to keep them any longer. Both downriggers are complete with no parts missing. One box was opened to make sure all the parts are there, the second box has never even been opened. Both riggers come with telescopic booms, positive ion control, 200 ft. of wire, bases, single rear mount rod holder, release, and stainless steel mounting hardware. No weights included. The only thing that didn't come with the units is swivel bases. I do have two used, but in very good condition, old style low profile swivel bases that I would be willing to sell, I'm just not sure if the included bases have the correct bolt pattern for those swivel bases. Price for the downriggers is $250.00 each, swivel base an additional $50.00 each. Buyer pays shipping. A quick check online is saying shipping from my house to Buffalo would be about $20.00 per unit just as a ballpark cost. Would like to sell these as a pair if possible.
  22. I replaced some of mine with Size #7 black ball bearing swivels from South Florida Tackle (www.sftackle.com) and have been very satisfied. Pack of 25 for $13.00 including shipping and no tax. You could probably use their size #6 swivels, but the 7's seem to be a little more free swinging, which I like. Also, 10-15% discount on purchases of multiple packs. I've been using the size #4's in saltwater for a year now and have no complaints.
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