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April 15, 2015
Last visited
March 11, 2022
Everything posted by Blasi019
Currently the boat is pending sale with a deposit. If the deal falls through I’ll be glad to reach out to all those who are interested. Thanks
Hello all! I’ve had this boat two years now and still haven’t gotten it out to the water. Every time I think I have time, life gets busier with little kids. I’ve gone back and fourth so many times deciding if I’m going to keep her, but have decided it needs to go to someone who will enjoy it. Maybe 10 years down the road I’ll be able to buy another one although they are getting very hard to find.
With that said, it should be ready about May 1st. It’s currently in the shop having some work done to her. I’m listing now for potential people who are looking but won’t be showing for at least a few weeks.
I purchased the boat locally out of the Seneca Lake area and to my knowledge the boat has remained local it’s entire life. This is an extremely rare model with twin 4.3 mercruisers and counter rotating drives. Engines run great and have been checked out by mechanic as well as outdrives. I don’t have exact hours off the top of my head but do believe they were rebuilt as there are two hour gauges located on the helm. The boat was sold to me with some noticeable issues that I am addressing for the next owner. The floors will all be redone to include new nonskid. One bulkhead was soft so that is being replaced. The shop did a core sample of transom and it seems to be very strong not needing replacement. I also have a survey from 2011 that any potential buyer can review if they would like. I do not play on doing any sea trials just due to logistics, however, you will be able to speak with the shop itself as to any and all checkouts on the boat. I also have gone through the trailer to make sure it’s road safe.
humminbird 9” graph/fishfinder
fish hawk x4d
6 cannon dual axis rod holders
rocket launcher
planer board reels.
socttys are pre wired with bases installed
i do not have any recent photos but have included what I have on my phone before being dropped off at the shop. It’s not a perfect boat, and will need some cleaning, but is gonna make someone very happy especially for the price. Call or text me anytime to ask anything else. 315-405-2405
price: $8900
i might consider selling before complete to right buyer that may want to take over in case they want to do more why it’s at the shop. All work described above is pre paid.
Free items pending pickup
Pickup in brewerton NY only
1 anchor
2 cabelas XL trolling plates, one with fins
Probably the nicest boat I have ever owned...no complaints with it at all!
Yea sold last April thanks
This is the steel model, still for sale.
reduced to 50 for quick sale
Good question...they sure look like thy are stainless but can’t find any markings to know for sure.
2 12lbs, 1 15lb. 30 each or all for 80. Syracuse area
Set of 7. 35 shipped to your door.
Like new condition. Used primarily for brown trout and walleyes. 40 each. Syracuse area.
120 each. We’re new last year. Syracuse area.
150 for the pair. In good shape. Syracuse area.