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Everything posted by Jdavismmu

  1. Yea i here you it is just that all the shops are really backed up right now. The boat runs great. Not many hours on the motor. But I know what you are saying.
  2. Hi everyone-not sure if this is the correct platform to ask this question, but since I have not listed my boat yet, I didn't want to put it in the fishing classified section. I am preparing to sell my 2008 Starcraft Superfisherman 180. It is a really solid boat, but it has a couple of minor issues. My question: How much should I account for live well plumbing that will need to be replaced (an intake cracked over the winter), and a gas gauge that doesn't seem to be working? I am going to research what I should be putting the boat up for sale for, but want to account for those two issues when I come up with a price. If anyone has any thoughts I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Top
  3. Just sent you a message Blasi019.
  4. Hi everyone. I have a 115 Mercury 4 stroke on a 19 ft Starcraft. I use a drift sock for trolling. I am thinking about getting a kicker motor. No idea where to even start. Thinking a 9.9 hp... Looking for opinions, pros/cons, what to get, etc. is it worth it in the long run? How much should I expect to spend? Thanks!
  5. Hi everyone-does anyone have any experience running electric downriggers to the battery on a Superfisherman. I am having a hard tim figuring out the best option. The battery is in the flooring, not in the back where it would be easier. Any experiences would be appreciated!
  6. That is what I am going to do. I found the problem last night. I hooked a hose up to the intake and lightly turned it on. The water came into the bilge through the through hull seal. Just purchasing the boat, I haven't used the pump at all so I didn't think it was that. Should be an easy fix. It is getting fixed June 1st. I am just going to cap it until then.
  7. a cracked pipe is something I am going to start with tonight, if i can get home soon enough from a little league game!
  8. I tried plugging those two drain plugs based on the amount of water I noticed coming in the first time I took the boat out. I just thought I would plug them to see if that would do anything. I almost positive it is leaking around the seal of the through hull. When looking down into the bilge while it was docked, I could see evidence of water slowly entering there. I did not notice it coming from the fitting. Of course, I didn't have the pump on either...Going to take a closer look at it today. Maybe I can have more specific info later. Thanks for responding!
  9. Hi guys-I purchased a new to me 2008 Starcraft Superfisherman. The Hull in like new, and everything is in excellent condition. On my first trip out, I noticed I had to run the bilge alot in a two hour run. There seemed to be water coming in. I had no idea where. Last night, I found out. I docked the boat and looked down into the bilge area. I noticed water coming in at my live well intake. I am assuming there is a bad seal. When I pulled the boat out of the water, I left my plug in, and sure enough, water came out of the intake. I was wondering if anybody every had this happen, and if so, is there an easy fix? I would assume pulling the pipe out and resealing? Also-I don't really use the live well. Could a quick fix be pulling out the tubing, leaving the pump in the bilge, and just plugging the hole? Do they cut those holes the same size as drain holes? I would think so, but thought I would ask. Love the new boat. Hoping this isn't a major issue!
  10. So one more question-does anybody know if the Bert's downrigger stationary mounts can be used with the Scotty bases? I have Scotty swivel mounts. I am hoping I can buy the Bert's stationary mounts, and attach my swivel bases of my Scotty's to them...thoughts?
  11. So the tracks are factory installed on the Superfishermans I believe. I know the new ones are anyway. This boat is a 2008 and I am pretty sure it comes with the Bert's track system. I am not sure if I am able to look underneath the track system or not (getting the boat Wed or Thur) so I will take a look I guess when I get it. I will get the risers. I noticed they look like they are made to fit a number of DR's. Does anybody know if the Bert Downrigger mounts fit Scotty 1100's or not? Thanks again for taking the time to respond to this question!
  12. Hi everyone-frequent reader, but not a frequent poster here on this forum. I have really learned alot from reading about the techniques and stories that are put on this forum, so I really value the opinions here. I am buying a 2008 Starcraft Superfisherman 180 this week. I have Scotty Downriggers ready to install from the boat I just sold. The boat i am buying has a track system on its gunnels. Just wondering if anybody has any experience with the track systems in terms of: can I mount the DR's to them with a track mount system and not worry about the torque on the gunnels? Or do they still create too much torque to just mount them? I needed to use a trolling bar on my last boat do to the torque my Scotty's put on my gunnels...will I run into the same thing here? Thanks! jd
  13. I use the Cabelas 36" trolling sock. I have a 75 hp Honda on a 16.5 ' Alumacraft. Without the bag i could only get down to 3.2-3.4. With the bag I can get down to 1.4-1.5. Great system. Yellow strap included makes it a snap yo empty and take out of the water.
  14. Pm sent! Hoping to take a look at them tomorrow if possible!
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