SW winds should blow all the warm water our way right? Which will be good for Salmon fishing? Maybe it will push them in our area again? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I don't like reporting when I don't catch anything but seeing the lack of reports I feel I should.. I didn't expect to do great because it was an evening troll but I was hopeful with the light winds and calm lake that we would catch something.. I am usually an early morning fisherman but I managed to get out of work early so I gave it a try. I am going to try again on Sunday morning and I am going to try the shipping lanes. Maybe get some Lakers out there.. at this point I just want to put fish in the boat.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Went out on a evening troll...
launching the boat was not as difficult as I imagined with the high water.. I just wore a pair of flip flops to get thru the sinking part of the dock. Both front and rear wheels of the truck were in the water but not submerged.. launching the boat was actually very easy.. just be very careful walking across de the sunken part of the dock. It was very slippery especially with a flip flops.
Started out in sallow water 6-10 FOW near Stoney point light house.. We Actually saw fish so we thought it was going to produce for us. We trolled the sallow water for a while heading south with spoons on the down riggers and smithwick sticks on the planner boards. Never moved a rod.... trolled in 20 FOW for a while also with no results..
Headed out to in and out of 30-60 FOW and had stuff on the screen but could not get a rod to fire.. it's got to get better!! This was my second time out this season and we got nothing both times!!
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I took these pictures yesterday. I am thinking about trying to launch my 19' sea nymph this evening.. if I do I will post how it goes.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Wish I could of went with you guys Jim!! (Dam Staff Duty) I am thinking about doing a evening trip out of Henderson if I can convince my daughter to go with me... please share the reports!! I need all the help I can get!! It's getting hard to convince my daughter to go with me when we don't catch anything... lol Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I am usually an early morning fisherman but we decided to go in the afternoon. I thought it wouldn't matter that much in spring.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Yeah.. We even went out to 125FOW and dragged cowbells in search of Lakers... I just couldn't get it done yesterday!! We had to except defeat and leave empty-handed... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Hauled the boat down to Oswego from Fort Drum( it's the only boat launch you don't need waders to get the boat in) We launched in the afternoon and got a tip that there were Salmon and Browns in 80-120 FOW so we started there... didn't move a rod.. tried the skinny water 15-30 FOW... didn't move a rod.. Water temperature was 46°F on the Surface. The only warm water was the water coming from the river 55°F but it was very stained water and we just couldn't seem to find the line between stained and clear water.. mother nature did not cooperate. it rained on us for a little while but was mostly cloudy throughout the day.. not what I hoped for to start off the season but we will be back.. it can only get better Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I hope your right.. I am planning on doing the same thing except we will be launching out of Oswego. We are making the Trip from Fort Drum so I hope it's worth it!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thanks for the report!! I am thinking about giving it a try tomorrow.. I think I will launch out of Oswego.. What was the water temp? How much debris was in the water? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I was catching Lakers out in front of Calf Island in 130-150 FOW in Summer but again that was summer.. I wasn't using Cow Bells. I was using spoons. I don't have a probe so I spread things out in the water column.. One day I caught lakers, a steelhead and a king.. This time Last year I was catching laters in the trench but none so far this year.. Seems like the water temperature keeps changing too much in the trench...
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Thanks for the encouragement fellas!! I will be out there next weekend... I am just realizing that the season is almost over and I didn't do well.. It's prime time in the Trench and I am still not doing well... I started to do really well the end of July- beginning of August but then winds/ weather changed the temperature of the lake and I haven't gotten anything going since...
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Beautiful fish guys!!! Looks like you had a great day on the lake it was a pleasure talking to you guys on the radio...
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I am so frustrated... Had a nice Salmon in early this morning but then it charged the boat and we lost it... That was the only action all day.. Stayed on the lake until 1230... I am starting to feel like it's not worth my time and effort anymore...
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This thread has helped me tremendously!!! I was looking for in formation like what is in this thread last year and couldn't find it... Thanks for everyone who participated!! I meet some really good people on this thread and they had an open seat so I went fishing with them on their boat and learned even more... I am thankful for LOU and this thread!!!
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Haha.. Exactly right!! Thanks for your service too brother!
I am not defeated yet.. I still got a few days to wheel and deal and try to convince some to help me out...
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