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Everything posted by Shawn.Furness

  1. I had a long weekend too until the Duty roster came out yesterday and I have Staff Duty on the 2nd of September... WTF.. I still plan on entering the tournament!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. I will be attending my niece and nephew's birthday party in Philadelphia Pa. On Saturday. I am hoping to make it back in time to maybe squeeze in a little fishing on Sunday evening.. So unfortunately I will not be participating in the Derby this weekend.. I hope there is a Labor Day weekend tournament!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. I really wanted to enter the derby but wasn't sure if I was even going to be able to make on the water this weekend.. Made it out this morning for a few hours. I stayed in the trench due to limited time.. Got a skippy steelhead and a baby brown.. Probably won't be back out on the lake till Labor Day weekend!!! Hopefully there will be another derby that weekend! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. The finger is In between Stoney Island and the mainland...
  5. Weather is looking bad for this weekend! It changes all the time so I am following it closely... I am really hoping to make it out there at least one day!
  6. Thanks! My season started to get really good a few weeks ago then the lake flipped on me.. I got the itch to get out there. I am thinking there has got to be fish in the Trench by now! Hopefully Fleet tracker has good news!
  7. Has anyone been out this weekend? Is it really as rough as the forecast say? They are usually wrong but could be worse then they say... I am thinking about trying a evening trip to the Trench later today.. I am following the marine forecast but it keeps changing( for the worst)
  8. Check out the silver around calf thread.. They are talking about salmon around Calf island. I launch out of Henderson Harbor and usually set lines out in 130-150 FOW near Calf island.. The fish were there until we had all this wind. Now the water is cold and the fish have scattered. In 2 weeks there should be some good Salmon action in the trench( between stony island and the mainland)
  9. Dose anyone have any cannon Downrigger swivel bases they want to sell?
  10. Went out yesterday(23 July)early morning. Launched out of Henderson and set lines out around 6am.. Got one King, one laker and a baby steelhead.. Nothing to brag about but at least we didn't get skunked.. It was a little rough in morning but continued to calm down until we left.. Talked to the guy at the fish cleaning station at Henchmen Marina- he said most of the Salmon are being caught in 120 FOW. We spent most of our day in 150FOW.. Oh well it will change next week I'm sure....
  11. I missed out last weekend so I was hoping for some good fishing this weekend. I am hearing its pretty rough out there right now.
  12. Nice! There definitely was some rollers Saturday morning! Looks like you stuck it out and were rewarded!
  13. Thanks for the warning! I don't think I am going out this evening. I was hoping the wave report would be wrong but looks like it's correct. I guess I will just get some sleep and finish installing the Sub-troll on my boat...
  14. Nice!! Thanks for the report! I am going to try and get out there tomorrow afternoon..
  15. Nice to see everyone seems to be doing pretty good out there.. We launched early this morning and battled some chop and rollers to get to the finger. We were set up by 0620 but one of our passengers got sea sick so we had to head in. A lot of time, energy and money wasted this morning... I am a little frustrated because I may have to wait till next weekend to try it again!!
  16. Sounds good.. I will hit you up.. I don't really have a boat name...
  17. I was thinking about doing it.. $20 and it's a good cause...
  18. I plan on being out there early tomorrow morning( plan on launching out of Henderson at 0500) till noon... No fishing for me on Sunday, I got 24 hour duty.. I plan on starting near Calf Island in 130-150 FOW. If no one is home I will probably head out to the lanes..
  19. Awesome!! I am glad the fish are cooperating... Looking forward to seeing some pictures... Where did you guys go? The shipping lanes?
  20. Nice!! I am glad to hear the fish are there!! Hopefully they cooperate this weekend.. I plan on trying out in front of Calf Island in 130-150 FOW..( I did very good there Friday) If there is nothing there I will head out to the shipping lanes... Maybe the Wall... Looking forward to your report!
  21. I launched out of Henderson Harbor and went to the Shipping lanes. Trolled for two hours out there with nothing to show for it.. Decided to start making my way back and stopped in front of Calf Island in about 130 FOW. Almost instantly a rod fired.. A laker took a black and silver spoon off a rigger down 110.. Then another laker took a flasher fly off a rigger down 120 FOW.. As soon as I got the Black and silver spoon back down there the rod fired again this time a King.. I got him all the way to the back of the boat but couldn't net him myself( I was Solo) I got him half way in the net when the spoon got caught on the net and the Salmon got loose( so close) then another laker.. Then the rigger down 90 fired.. Took a nice steelhead.. Another big laker and then I left. All the action happen one after another..
  22. Not going to make it out there today.. I am just going to go early morning tomorrow.. Will report how I do..
  23. I am thinking about going this evening...
  24. I heard you guys on the radio.. All I caught was 3 little steelheads..
  25. I am thinking about making the drive down to Oswego in the morning. I haven't been doing well out of Henderson lately.. I will be solo tomorrow. My daughter bailed out on me before she went to bed.. Where is the Mountain? What do you target there?
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