Where did you you go? Out to the Shipping lanes? I am planning on going out to the Shipping lanes tomorrow morning. Last time I was out there I only got one small steelhead..
I am also interested to know everyone's thoughts. I have upgraded to a Helix also. I almost bought the Navionics hot maps but then I saw they were discontinued.. I am using the Navionics maps on my phone and am pretty happy with it..
I will also be camping out of Westcott beach Saturday-Tuesday.. I may get off work early enough on Friday to try the shipping lanes that evening.. I don't know where the Brown trout have gone. I haven't had any success with them in that area. Lake trout were in front of Stoney point light house in 130 FOW.. You will see other boats out there. I went to the shipping lanes last weekend and was not rewarded for my efforts. I only caught a small steelhead. Everyone in waiting for the Kings to show up in the lanes but we're catching lakers out there..
The Downriggers are working great! Thanks! I need to catch some fish with them now.. I went Bass fishing yesterday in Chaumont Bay. I wasn't excited about it but I promised a buddy I would take him.. It felt good to put some fish in the live well tho.. Thinking about taking the family out on Ontario today for some Father's Day fishing..
There were a lot of big balls of bait fish but not many hooks.. I was expecting to catch a laker or two but it didn't happen. The steelhead took a Chartreuse/Green spoon off a Dipsey Diver.. I had 4 riggers down and none of them fired..
I didn't make it out this weekend. We planned on launching out of Henderson Harbor and trying the shipping lanes but it didn't happen due to wind and swell size.... Hopefully we will make it out there next weekend... Thanks!
Sounds exciting.. I can't wait to give it a try.. I may have off on Thursday. Hopefully the lake is not too rough and the weather is good... How Deep should I start at and how far down? Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much!! I should be able to figure it out. I watch the Bill Saiff Outdoors videos and he said the same thing about not using Cow Bells.. I caught a big laker in 30 FOW earlier this spring and I couldn't believe it was a laker because of the way it was fighting.. When I target Lakers with cowbells it just feels like I am reeling in a brick.. It would be nice to catch some Lakers on light tackle and still have a chance at some Silver! I am new to the area and this is only my second season. I am stationed at Fort Drum but often drive down to Mexico point. I would love to learn the North eastern basin area since it is closer to me. I don't know how much longer I will be Stationed here before the Army decides to move me. I have been here three years already. For all I know this might be my last season.. Thanks again! It greatly appreciated!
Could some one please tell me where exactly is the Shipping lanes... I fished Stoney point 30-50 FOW then out to 130-140 this weekend and didn't do very well..
Sounds like a great day. Thanks for sharing the report.
I was planning on launching out of Mexico point but decided the night before to launch out of Henderson Harbor.. Didn't do much there.. Should have made the drive down to Mexico point.. I will be there next weekend...
Launched out of Henderson Harbor at 0530. Put lines in the water in front of Stoney point light house in 30 FOW. 2 riggers( 10' down and 20' down) 2 boards dragging sticks and 2 dipsey's with spoons. After 1/2 an hour headed south a rod fired( rigger 20' down with a watermelon spoon) my buddy grabbed the rod and started bringing it in but the fish never made it to the boat. Don't know what it was but think it was a big brown. Then nothing for hours.... Decided to go to 130 FOW in front of the light house. Caught a Laker on the bottom with Cow bells and a peanut. At least we didn't get skunked.. Lol.
I didn't take many pictures.. I had a great time and learned a lot! The weather could have been better but Captain Rick still put us on some fish! My only regret was making a rookie mistake and not getting that possible King Salmon to the boat! I have much more confidence in my ability to put fish in my boat now. I can't wait to fish the lake and try everything Rick taught me in my boat!
I always see guys on little Jon boats fishing for perch and other pan fish when I am on my way to the cut to get to the lake. I think I will try that also. Any suggestions on where to start this time of year. Thanks in Advance!