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Everything posted by Shawn.Furness

  1. I was out in the Trench yesterday morning.. Saw a lot of boats out there for a Wednesday morning.. I also saw a lot of Saiff Charter boats.. I was really excited that I was going to catch a King.. Then the lake got angry.. The little bit of rain didn't bother me but the swells were making hard to control my speed.. Most of the boats left.. So I headed in Skunked... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. Awesome!! I can't wait to take a picture like that with my daughter!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. Thanks for the post. I also wanted to know where it was. I have been traveling an hour and a half south to Oswego but it hasnt been worth it lately. Where are the Lakers in that area? I went out near Calf island and seen a few on the bottom in about 100 fow but couldnt get them to bit. Any Samon around? I am going to give it a try again soon. Thanks in advance!
  4. I went out of Oswego.. Went out to over 300 FOW. Put the riggers at 100. I kept catching little rainbow trouts.. Most of the time they wouldn't pull the line from the down riggers so I wouldn't even know they were on there unless I check every so often.. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be deeper? Should I set the riggers deeper? Why am I catching the little guys and nothing bigger? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Thanks for the report!! I woke up late this morning but now I am motivated to make that hour and a half drive and hit the lake to give it a try!! Thanks!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. Beautiful fish!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. Great info!! I haven't caught a Brown trout yet this year!! I tried right after ice out a few times with planer boards and stick Baits with no luck!! I been catching lakers lately because they are cooperating... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. Change of plans... I didn't make it out there.. The weather don't look good for the next week either... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. I plan on going early tomorrow morning.. I plan on trying for some Brown trout I front of the plant. I will let you know how it goes.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  10. Water is pretty high at Dexter, Black River but very calm and flat.. There was a lot of logs, sticks, and a few pieces of plywood floating around.. Be careful!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Slow!!! I drag cow bells close to the bottom (120')and slow 1.4-1.8.. It's been working for me!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. I wanted to try near the plant today but I was worried about thunderstorms.. I might try early morning tomorrow.. Every Time I beet out there I had no problems finding lake trout in 120 FOW on the bottom near the plant.. Where are the brownies? Steelies? I keep hearing we need western winds.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Yes very nice!! I have the same boat.. I have the blue carpet and blue and white trim.. Your pictures got me motivated!!! Thanks!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. I was out Sunday afternoon and got a laker in front of the plant on the bottom in 120 FOW. There were a lot of fish on the bottom.. I was only there for about an hour.. I was worried about the storm coming. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. That's great stuff.. I have a 1988 Sea Nymph and all the padding is falling off. The Foam is still good just the thin wood behind it is crumbling.. Thanks for the info!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  16. I will take all three...
  17. Rochester is more than 2 1/2 hours from me... I will stick with Mexico bay (1 hour from me) and hopefully it will get better soon.. I am going to give it a try again on Sunday.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. I am thinking about heading out there tomorrow if the weather holds up.. Looks like thunderstorms starting around 3. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  19. Once the you let the smoke out you can't it get back in... Lol Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  20. Although I bought the starter from auto zone it is for marine use. They do sell marine parts. The starter is exactly the same.. But that is good info about the coast guard. I didn't realize they could red flag you for using automotive parts.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. I have an older boat (1988 Sea Nymph 90 HP Evinrude) so I went to west marine. They wanted $270 and would take weeks to get it because it was special order... I went to autozone and the had it the next day for $65.. Works great!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. I just had this problem and I thought it was the Batteries also. Then I cleaned all the connections. The starter just seemed to get weaker and weaker so i removed the starter and jumped it directly. It was still weak. I replaced the starter and when I tried to fire the motor up for the first with the new starter I was shocked how fast the starter was spining the motor.. I never seen the motor spin that fast while cranking it...
  23. Wow that is a big difference.... I was trying for some lakers this weekend and I was seeming a lot of fish on the bottom at 120 FOW on the depth finder but didn't move a rod.. I am just trying to figure out what I was doing wrong... My GPS was reading 1.4-1.8.. I guess I gotta play around some more on the lake to figure it out.. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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