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Everything posted by tuffishooker

  1. Lake Erie is a TOTALY different fishery than Lake Ontario !
  2. Stick baits did nothing for us after the boat ramps finally opened last year !
  3. Lot of good information on topic as usual ! At times cannon balls clearly spook fish ! One of the reasons for running a fixed stacker [ obviously not possible on a Dipsy ! Bottom line [ sic] for me is to get good on what you started with then branch out ! Starting out with a bunch of tackle hopping to " get somethin " can end up tangles and frustration IMO !
  4. I would give up my Dipsys before I would give up my riggers ! Less can be more !
  5. Why the Ruger 204 ? My Browning 223 lever gun has always worked fine , not sure what I would change it to . When I got it there was no 204s !
  6. What was the bullet that took the fox ? Looks like a big exit wound ?
  7. What is the breed of the hounds ?
  8. J-11 & J-13 Rapalas are designed to be tied directly to the nose " ring " ! Adding a split ring ? or a snap would change the designed action which may work for you or against you IMO !
  9. Ditto on the blanks ! They are not NKs !
  10. Only way to find out is to mix and match ! Ie. identical lures with ring and one without and run them at the same time ! The " best " rings are the welded ones IOM !Happy new year !
  11. Happy new year ! Hope we can now beat this COVID 19 ! What is this " swimbait " ?
  12. Great video ! Maybe I missed it but what did you use for bait ?
  13. Ditto not many coyotes in the area getting that many rabbits IMO !
  14. We do not have " bunnies and grouse " because coyotes take them on a regular basis ! I find evidence of kills on a regular basis when I push for coyotes !
  15. Never seen one !
  16. pps. The German shorthaired pointer is a female pup ; I could have the opportunity to cross her with a Nova Scotia duck toller which is very bright! Any comments ? AKC says do not do it ! A good friend says life is a series of dogs and will generally work mixed breeds ; less chance of hereditary diseases and MAY get a good mix of the breeds ?
  17. Ps. We take delivery of a German short haired pointer pup on Jan 10 2021 !
  18. How to get both with one or two legal shots ?
  19. Lot of detail good advice posted ! With the long winter months read " Keating on Kings " by Captain Dan Keatiing plus other additions ! Less can be more ! Running a lot of tackle for an apparent newbie can end up as a tangle nightmare ! I will leave it at that for now ! Merry Christmas to all that it believe in my God !
  20. At my age and the COVID 19 just hoping to get out would be a gift ! Hopefully we can see some results from the cormorant cull last fall to benefit our in shore spring fishery in Ontario ?
  21. IMO Cull coyotes !
  22. Lake Michigan is a different fishery than Lake Ontario ! As previously posted stocking on Lake Ontario has cut back for Coho [ perhaps also little natural reproduction ] in favor of Chinook salmon [ a more constant fishery ; Coho would school up in close in the spring for a fantastic in close sport esp. for the small boat guys then would " disappear " into the lake ] Our spring fishing was " shot " due to COVID 19 restrictions ; when we could get out most fishing was off shore [ ie. blue zone ] , at times closer to the north shore not a good place to be with a south blow as those fishermen found out off Pont Breeze NY a few years ago !
  23. Ps. re Rapala J-13 or J-11 ; colour again rules ! First light chartreuse , no bites orange out further blue then black ! IMO I would go for Kings, Rainbows, Browns if you can get a handle on what is working but the problem now is the " tight lip syndrome " which we id not have before in the CB days !
  24. As previously posted coho are incidential catches for us ! They used to school up not sure now !In the spring go with the body baits ; old faithful J-13 Rapala , black/purple Bomber then what ever you have in the box . Spoon du jur color rules ! as always best bite in tight first light ! Start in close in the spring !
  25. The Ontario Government and other interested companies have tried to bring Lake Ontario to " What it was " with an effort to reestablish the Atlantic salmon fishery which was effectively wiped out before 1900 by poaching [ farmers used pitchforks to " harvest " the fish for pig food ] ? loss of habitant as shown in the video ! It looked like the natural habitant structure had been cleared for what reason ? As seen by the replanting efforts with trees etc. by the volunteers ! So far these efforts have not achieved much ! one of the problems has been the forage base ie. the cisco which also disappeared , the alwife creates a thiamine problem in the Atlantic salmon ! Our efforts to reestablish the cisco have been dubious at best
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