River fishing for smallies you want to use a 3 way swivel rig if using shiners or crabs with a 1-1 3/4 oz. pencil weight.. Tube jigs also in a crab pattern work very well. You r gonna want a 1/2 -5/8 oz. jig head to effectively work the bottom due to the current and depth. Depending on water clarity you will be working 10-40' of water. Bucktails with a twister tail and 1/2-1 oz. jigging spoons will also take bass. Expect to lose rigs and jigs due to the rocky bottom. You can fish from devils hole all the way to the green can on the bar.
Do you have a GPS chartplotter? You will be putting your baits down to work the top 80' depending on what you see on the f finder. Check the reports here and you will have a good idea
where to start and what to use.
270 h.p. engine installed 7/2019, has aprox. 5 hrs on it. Stringers redone 2016. Raymarine auto pilot, fishawk temp probe unit, $ cannon elec. riggers, planer board reels, standard horizon GPS unit, New 7" Lowrance fish finder, vhf radio, 80 gal. fuel tank, wash down, porta potti, dual battery switch with 1 yr. old batts., roller trailer. $9500.00 (716) 807-7577
Should have fished yesterday. Oh well. It got bumpy in a hurry. 2-4'. Surface water temp was 47.6 from green can to the red can. Marked and caught kings east of red can. 35' over 50-60' of water. spoons, if it had green on it they were eating it. Ran a couple other colors but notta.
Took fish on riggers and dips.
with the river pumping 47-49 degree water. It's gonna pull and hold fish for now. Marked fish from top to bottom. Once I got the color they wanted, or could see. The water had heavy color to it. 2' visibility. Spoons wouldn't be in the water for more than 10 minutes before one was going off. Get one in and another rod would go off. We were busy.
No problem. I saw your report yesterday. I thought about going to Olcott. Figured fish would still be in the neighborhood from when we fished Tuesday in front of the fort.
Lines in the water about 11am. Set up near the green can and worked out to the red can. boated king near green can then a couple lake trout on our way to the red. worked 50-65' of water. Spoon bite, yuk frog and green taped were the ticket . Boated 8 kings, 2 coho and 3 lakers. dropped 5 or 6 other hits (they were kings). Top 35' of water, 2.7mph, surface temp. was 47-48. Marked a lot of fish and some bait. Cindy the salmon slayer had a busy day. Forgot the camera at house. Got good picks on phone.
Started about 1pm. Had 1's to start. Ran east about 2 miles to set up in 20' of water. Surface temp 41.9. Set out 2 riggers 2 dips and 2 long lines. Trolled back west working out to 35 fow. Picked a couple lakers, until we got back in front of the fort then turned north to work the bar Picked a couple more lakers and got our first king on until we lost it in the cable. At that time we were in 2-3's making things a little difficult in the lund. Had my lady with me. Her first time fishing, reeling fish and driving the boat while I rigged in the lake. After losing the king I had her head east into 2-3's with some help. Basically we made a big circle back to where we first set up and picked a few more lakers. Went back west and turned north thru the water we hooked the king earlier. Notta. Turned south and came back through. Hooked into 4 kings, landed 3 in about 20 minutes Rans dips 20' down, riggers 20' down, both took fish. Ran a couple different color pattern Spoons, seasick waddler took the most. Water coming out of the river was 43.9. Which is where the king action took place. Only marked a couple fish in the 4 hrs. we were out. Her 1st and biggest king so far. 14#. She boated 11 for 13.
hit the Lewiston Ramp about 12:30. Fished stella drift for about 2 hrs.. Pulled 3 steelies at the tail end of drift. Had a bit of a nw wind to start then it went sw later. All 3 fish came on yarn balls. Fished shiners also, but notta. Fished a couple other drifts at end of day.