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Everything posted by CK3080

  1. Matt, didnt get installed yet. I think i'm too scared to hook up the hydraulic lines til after our spring king trip, dont want to screw up the steering. We'll see how bored I get though, might get to it. Dev, i'll be in touch on the radio next weekend, hoping to get something going brown trout wise.
  2. I followed this thread and it worked out pretty well. http://www.thehulltruth.com/boating-forum/396344-oxidized-gelcoat-makeover-pics.html#b I bought the boat last year and the blue colored hull was pretty oxidized. Photo is after first round of buffing on one spot. Shouldve taken better before and afters, but it worked out well. By the end of the season though, I'd say 30% of the oxidation was back. Plan on doing the same process this weekend.
  3. Anyone heading out this weekend on the East end? BluTooth is finally getting out of storage on Sunday, hope to splash sometime later next week. This is only my second year fishing Lake O, but was not overly impressed by the walleye fishing last year. Mostly due to growing up fishing on Lake Erie and relatively easy eye fishing there. I'm planning on trailering from Sackets to fish out of Wilson for kings on opening weekend of walleye this year. It seemed like the walleye fishing got better later in May last year anyways. As long as we dont get constant NE blows like we got last year, i'm thinking browns around Stony point should be good over the next few weeks
  4. I normally buy them from Poor Richards in Erie, the have some custom colors. Really like the pink with purple dots (similar to Bay Rats High School) and purple/gold. Pink lemonade and pistachio have done well too Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. I grew up fishing out of Erie, PA for walleyes. In the last few years, the P10s in late May during the night bite slow trolling the shore line were hot. During normal summer deep trolling the trenches and off the presque isle point though, a bagleys bang-o deep diver on 5-color was very hard to beat. There were some days that I had two bagleys on 5-color outfits out fish the rest of the rods on the boat 5 to 1. We use a lot of reef runners and deep bay rats as well, and they all catch fish at certain times. But my go-to is the bagleys, well-made balsa wood baits that are fairly cheap.
  6. Really hoping for some better spring brown action on our corner of the lake than last year. As for walleye, we caught considerably more eyes before the season opened trolling for browns than after the walleye opener. Agree with Devin, it looks to be another similar year. If this weather keeps up, i think the boat will be coming out of storage sooner than later. Chomping at the bit to get another season started!
  7. Would like to hear some suggestions as well, planning on heading to Wilson for the first weekend of the loc Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. No affiliation, but just saw this on thehulltruth. Seems like a greal deal http://www.thehulltruth.com/parts-forum/814162-9-9-hp-yamaha-4-stroke-outboard-1400-a.html Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. As far as sitka goes, much of their whitetail series is made for stand hunting, especially the fanatic bibs and jacket. Unless its below zero, light merino base layers are all I ever wear under for hours on stand Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. I really like sitka gear. Started using their stuff 5 or 6 years ago hunting out west, and started building up my whitetail gear from them the past few years. For deer hunting, the fanatic and fanatic lite sets really cant be beat. Really good quality clothing, but $$. Luckily I have a hookup where I pay half price. I always layer with merino wool base layers underneath. As for base layers, first lite merino and kuiu merino-blend are very good. First lite is probably more comfortable, but shrinks and isnt as durable, especially during a 10-day elk hunt in the rockies. Kuiu is a little cheaper, more durable, doesnt shrink, but isnt 100% merino.
  11. Marina Inn ( www.marinainnny.com ) at Madison Barracks in Sackets has decent lodging. About a mile from the town launch and has its own marina (doesn't open until mid may, but they have week/weekend transient slips). This is where I dock and fish out of most of the year. Sackets town launch isnt bad, not a ton of parking though. Henderson launch is great, as mentioned above.
  12. Impressive box! Glad to see they are still around. Probably taking the last boat trip of the year on Saturday, pulling her out for an autopilot upgrade and winterization on Sunday.
  13. x2. I have a set of 4-foot single planer plus with track bases and really like them. Well-made and can adapt to a lot of fishing situations. I can run 4 lines off each for heavy walleye trolling, or just a dipsey per side trolling for kings if I want to. I ordered my bottom rod holder @ 0-degrees to run a dipsey rod from and it works suprisingly well.
  14. Killin em Devin, great to see. Matt, I probably wont get out fishing until sunday evening and monday, so I doubt I'm going to make any of the weigh ins.
  15. The yamaha T8 hasnt been made for a few years now. I'd look for a T9.9. I got one new from Clayton Marina for a pretty good deal. Worth giving them a call.
  16. If I were a betting man, I'd get into any tournament you put together LC. Good thing I am a betting man.
  17. Good fish starcraft! Hows the boat traffic out there?
  18. Ditto. Looked perfect as I was leaving sackets this morning.
  19. I had 48F down 110 over 135. Definitely better than last weekend, but still not great.
  20. Went out tonight for an hour or so from 630-730. Still loaded with marks in the bottom 25 feet over 120-135. Couldnt get a rod to fire. Fished 8" and 11" sd's with flies, j plugs, and spoons. Nice night out though, perfect 2' trolling chop. Gonna hit it hard this weekend.
  21. Way to go Matt! Nice one. Looks like good conditions out there. Im flying home from south carolina tomorrow, may try to get out tomorrow night.
  22. Very similiar to my lake O setup. Nice combo fishing/family cruiser. GLWS. Looks like its priced right.
  23. Team BluTooth is in again. Looking forward to another weekend out there. Hopefully we get two days of fishing in this time around. Matt, let me know if my payment didnt go through. See you boys at BC.
  24. Should be nice out there tonight. I'll be out tomorrow evening trying to find some silver.
  25. I'm pretty sure team BluTooth just bought a salmon/laker ticket. Let me know if I screwed it up.
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