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Everything posted by jerryriggin

  1. jerryriggin


    Just installed the tailfin on my kicker along with Itroll. Haven't got a chance to get on the water. I'm in Michigan and the governor banned boating with a motor.
  2. I bought my Suzuki for suzukioutboardteam.com
  3. Mi stinger and stingrays sizes. Moonshine DW and Silver Streak mags and standard are my go to spoons. Nk 28s the list goes on.
  4. 10 foot MH For high divers 9 foot MH for low divers
  5. For sure. I did use the 700s on riggers for a couple years and got away because I thought they where overkill
  6. I've got them on rigger rods and really like them for that. Only spooled with 20lb though. I would not like them for divers as the high ratio is noth memt for big jobs of pulling a mag diver and meat rig. I would go with 700s for divers.
  7. Best to change impeller every year or 2. I change mine every spring. When winterizing my engine I drain block and manifolds. put muffs on with a hose to a 6 gallon jug of antifreeze and run through the engine. My 351 take almost all 6 gallons until color comes out exhaust.
  8. It was mounted to the transom. The bracket is kinda cobbled together. Here are a couple other pictures.
  9. Have any of you guys mounted a kicker like this? Thinking about doing this on my rig. I've got the adventure marine kicker mount and an xl shaft suzuki 9.9. Thing I'm worried about it the kicker not being deep enough to steer effectively.
  10. Pretty smooth transaction I talked with Paul seemed like a good guy.
  11. Bought a suzuki 9.9 x long shaft power tilt trim electric start hi thrust from port-a-boat for 2700 shipped to my door back in January.
  12. I feel the standard shark catches more fish on my boat
  13. With the stocking cuts and bait that is out in the lake it's only a matter of time before the 30+ lb kings will make a big comeback. In 2012 on lake Michigan you could not catch a king over 20lbs. Fast forward 7 years later and now it's rare to catch one under 20lbs this year. The difference is 2012 was 30 king limits in a couple hours. 2019 30 kings in 20 days of fishing.
  14. It's not genetics its food plain and simple. In Michigan we have not recoeved eggs from the northwest in years.
  15. King heads roll without tuning. I think king heads catch more fish but I think Rhys catches bigger fish.
  16. Your 12 lbers will be fine. The fish hawk will only add a little bit of blow back.
  17. Cheap line will cost you more in one break off on a diver then buying the proven products the first time.
  18. Ttt
  19. Not buying the size decrease isn't because of bait fish. Lake michigan went years without producing 30lb kings. Now the last couple of years size has came back in a big way with even a 40+ lb king being caught.
  20. Bump
  21. PM sent
  22. 80 shipped to you
  23. Ttt
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