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Everything posted by suttontroller94

  1. Whites greens yellows and blues
  2. Anyone been to board yet?
  3. We are in the landlocks pretty good
  4. Just lost 5and a half pound or so landlock at boat
  5. We've caught a landlock and a bow aswell as a few drops
  6. Salvo derby Good luck to all fishing the salvo derby tomorrow thanks to some quick work by a1 marine in moravia my motor is back running and we are all in on it! Everyone make sure to post updates of board if you stop into weigh or gear hear it over vhf!
  7. That's a long wait to weigh any Saturday evening fish
  8. John I'm glad to see you hit Seneca and didn't have to take a skunk this time! Headed over there tm and if Tuesdays lake o trip doesn't pan out myself to try and figure em out
  9. Yeah wasn't sure just thought I'd look I've saw them at field and stream brand new for 90 and anything used a few years generally should be priced about half as much as you can get a new one for so I figured I could find something even a little older than that that someone just had collecting garage dust and wanted to get rid of cheap. Thanks anyway I'll keep looking
  10. I saw one for 75 I'm looking for about half of that price
  11. Iso cheap salmon net In search of a cheap large salmon size net near Watkins, Ithaca or Elmira thanks
  12. We saw fish jumping while We were out Sunday as well out deep so this could be very possible only issue is those fish can be super finicky to target because as you said Les those fish are feeding on bugs. I know I've witnessed flat calm days this time of year when we were hammering fish in the thermocline but yet seeing schools of bait boil on the surface with fish chasing and jumping for them aswell as fish picking bugs off the surface. I feel like some days you'd be better off fishing them with a flyrod and dry flies
  13. The guides don't get chewed up by copper at all?
  14. Not trying to hijack thread but Mike I was wondering what ugly stiks you use for coppers and lead core cuz I was hoping to start converting to all ugly sticks as well as I had mentioned a couple weeks ago on fb. I've always been an ugly stik fan so it won't take much convincing for me
  15. Everyone keeps jinxing it
  16. Good job finding the silver's they were tough to find Sunday just one of them over 3lbs 9oz would've have us the win in the flta tourney this past weekend we struggled to find any only managed one salmon 2.2lbs
  17. Shout out to Bellis tackle cowbells and iron duke trolling flies Would like to give a shout out to these 2 great companies for offering quality products that have put alot of fish in my boat the past few weeks. First I'd like to thank Mike Burt with iron duke flies as he created a custom fly that I asked for last year that has been absolute destruction on landlocks and Lakers since the first time I ran it last year on Cayuga. The fly works so well I rarely leave it out of the water in a fishes mouth long enough to take a pic however I did take one of a beautiful colored Laker not that long ago with it but I will say that this fly runs great and catches fish on alot allot of different spin doctors. Thanks again Mike (pics attached) And last but not least thanks to Josh Bellis of Bellis tackle for putting out awesome cowbells. These cowbells have taken me from saving bottom dragging as a last resort do to the terrible fight Lakers put up with most cowbells do to the drag created by the blades to really enjoying this method of putting fish in the box. These things create less drag than a spin doctor and out fish the other sets (wont mention names) that ive ran them beside. (Pic attached) if you havent saw these yet check them out at bellistackle.com Sorry guys that I didn't include pics of some of the bigger fish we've been catching on your gear but we've been to busy fighting fish to snap pics.
  18. I was thinking bout this a couple weeks ago would be a creative way to reduce bait a little and 1 stocking of a few thousand kings would be gone after a few years (if they were unsuccessful at spawning like most of lake Ontario's kings) but would keep you on your toes while fishing. The copper pulling guys would probably hate the idea after a couple shoulders being yanked out of socket
  19. Nick is right about them being adult sawbellies for sure either way. Here is a pic of one I picked up during the derby next to a magnum moonshine.
  20. There was alot of dead bait before the derby. No way did vhs travel that fast bait is so thick on Seneca this year it's probably being stunted by predators such as fish and birds just going through schools. Probably nothing to be to concerned about
  21. Good luck staying out of Laker land! I don't know if it's possible!
  22. These guys are right about location to a point the northern part of the lake has been fishing better however I wouldn't write off t falls as we have been doing well out of there we have had to work to figure them out but they are there. 3 things to think about. SPEED, LURE PRESENTATIONS, DEPTH. (Both foot of water you fishing over and depth down to lures) this has been different almost every time out you've just got to be willing to keep changing til you find what's working that day and stick with it
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