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Everything posted by suttontroller94

  1. The people in charge of the laws now clearly have never spent any time watching migrations. Something needs to be done. Seasons and bag limits are screwed up from Canada all the way down the Atlantic flyway.
  2. Agree with you 100percent. Rarely ever hear of a bird banded in Quebec/Ontario being killed I'm September either. It's crazy that guys can sit behind a desk and make all the decisions. I honestly hope the populations continue to drop under these new regulations so maybe they can realize just what joker's they are and maybe they took the wrong route
  3. I tagged out on day 2 at 6:25. Took my 7 year old son out on his first turkey hunt(he's been on alot of waterfowl hunts and a few deer hunts). Lots of birds gobbling off the roost and had a couple birds coming. Thought they were longbeards the whole way in, they never once had bad sounding gobbles and at first I could just see their heads and they were big snowball white heads. Then they crossed out infront of us at 10yards and popped into strut and I could tell they were Jakes. I informed him that normally I'd probably let those birds go but they were infact legal birds and would eat good. His heart was racing and he was shaking so hard as he told me to shoot! I let them beat up the avian Jake decoy for a big before I picked out one to take. At that point I could care less if it was a longbeard or a Jake I was honestly more excited on that bird than on Fridays longbeard. Hunter is hooked now and I had one of the most fun hunts of my life and a great memory that will last forever with my son.
  4. Crazy. More AP birds are killed in the last 2 weeks of September than during March and that's undeniable. Piles of ~100 geese and they tell us the March season and regular season are what's hurting the population. Let them go back to the 8bird per person per day during September and put the plugs back in if they want to see a difference....
  5. Jigger is you're part of this group I'd kindly like to ask you to please bring up the March goose season in the southern zone. Extremely disappointing that they got rid of that. It's far more successful in helping to control the populations of the "park geese" that don't leave those parks all September long. If banding data helps, which is what it's for, I'm sure there are many of us I'm the southern tier with band report after band report of local geese killed in the March season. Id bet money that it's more successful than September season is.
  6. Was running late this morning so I decided to run to a spot I saw a gobbler with a hen yesterday. Got set up after the awful walk through a plowed cornfield. Heard some gobbling on roost but they couldn't hear my calling I'm sure due to being roosted over a creek flowing like a river. Made some calls every so often with no response. Decided to get a little aggressive with the calling and throw out some heavy cutting. They hammered 50 yards away up field edge where I couldn't see em. Looked out in field and saw 3 hens coming on a string then looked over my right shoulder and had 3 deer coming at 15 yards and looking right at me. Thought I was screwed then 2 longbeards popped out on field edge to my right and ran at the avian Jake and began to kick the crap out of him. (Pour guys has had a bunch of a** kickings) was picking which one to shoot when another stepped out that was a bit nicer than the other 2. Then to my surprise the other 2 laid down in full strut next to Jake decoy while the bigger boy started pecking mud off his own toes. Waited til he stretched the neck out and let it rip. Scared the hell outta the deer that were 5 yards behind me at that point and the other 2 birds milled around in decoys for 20min (The one day I didn't bring a buddy to try for a double). Was a great morning though and makes me laugh at the guys who think they need to spend $10 per shell to run TSS through their 12gauge. When you can get em in to 10yards any ol load will do. Dead bird by 6:10! Awesome opener!
  7. Like Mike said ramps are open so this is no longer an issue however it's the country I love too. Myself and many others wouldn't be too coward to stand up for something we believe in. Especially if it hurts literally no one!
  8. Are you lake Ontario only or do you fish finger lakes aswell? If you fish finger lakes occasionally i second the 300 and 200. If you're lake o only the 300 and 400 are my vote
  9. Good news! Remember your state officials tried to pull this come next election
  10. Saturday April 25th let us show these state officials that they are over stepping their bounds and stepping all over OUR freedoms. They can NOT keep us off OUR property. At 7am sharp on April 25th us as boaters can calmly protest our rights while still maintaining social distancing guidelines and following the 6ft rule. Arrive at any launch across the state, launch your boat and go enjoy your day. You will not catch this virus on the water in you're own damn boat. We can all sit here and try to be internet hero's or we can stand up for our freedoms. It's your choice. They can't and won't stop us all!
  11. I feel ya. I was hoping for a good surface bite too but I fished flatlines April 1st and March 26th with only 4 fish each day then a half a day Saturday that was looking like similar results. Knew it was time for a change. Water temp needs to come up a hair yet then it'll be game on.
  12. Fished south end Saturday went 14 for 17. 10lakers 4 salmon one salmon was 6lbs. Biggest Laker probably 8.5lbs. we opted to ditch the flatlines and run more cores and a short copper out a touch deeper and did better. (We pulled flatlines til 9 before switching over)
  13. suttontroller94

    Sold / Closed 22' Sea Nymph GLS

    Do you have a pic of cuddy?
  14. O I agree it's foolish for a captain to take it. I'd imagine merchant Mariner would probably qualify for boaters safety. That's something to look into but you'd think
  15. I agree with all that. I was taught the same way. My issue is the people who come to the finger lakes from the city and elsewhere who hardly ever operate a boat but maybe once or twice a year
  16. That's a problem. However atleast it's. Covered a little during the course that's more than most people are ever taught
  17. Not to get all political but I would much rather deal be on the same body of water or even road with someone who has taken a couple hits off a joint than someone who has drank a few beers.
  18. Everyone will need one after 2025. Not going to lie. I think it's great. It's amazing how many people of ALL ages don't know the rules of the road on the water.
  19. Fair reminder anyone born after January 1st 1993 is required to have a boater safety course as of January 1st 2020! Anyone born after January 1st 1988 is required to have the course starting 2022! January 1st 1983 and after by 2023 January 1st 1978 and after by 2024 EVERYONE is required by 2025!!!
  20. I don't agree with the fall. Most people aren't thinking buying fishing gear let alone 90% trolling gear then. That's a bad move for the vendors.. I know if I was a vendor planning to attend a show with a table of gear and a fall date I'd request a refund on my table fee instead. Not to stir the pot but just being honest
  21. Park was a zoo sunday. They really need to put signs up to keep people from parking their cars in the boat trailer parking that aren't using the launch. When I was there if another boat launched they couldn't have parked their rig however there were tons of empty single parking spots... It's ridiculous
  22. Sure looks like some dancing room back there Joe!
  23. Go ahead then don't go. No one will miss you not attending. Go ahead buy the gear you'd normally buy online and pay tax and full retail costs. Pretty sure that $3 is cheap compared to that.
  24. Correction for you. Southern zone ends Jan 13th
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