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June 14, 2015
Last visited
July 4, 2024
At least you got out. Motor trouble very hard getting parts. Lost the whole summer.
Trolled yesterday 110-140 95 down and 60 down. One 25" laker on the 60 rigger. Marked nothing.
Went 5 for 5 today riggers with magnum spoons. Down 100+ - at 220. Largest 41 inches.
I have a new unit with side scan but also the transducer has a much wider angle in regular sonar. I haven't been out with it yet.
Wouldn't that also apply to the fish if they are not directly under the boat?
Same thing happened to me years ago near Port Ontario on a J plug.
Years ago I had a Lowrance paper graph that the drive for the paper was worn out from use. Lowrance had some reps at a tournament in Oswego and were repairing units free. The rep took mine apart removed the paper drive then replace it with a new and improved drive and went into the electronics and wired it so I could slow the paper down even slower than before. The paper wasn't cheap so this was great. I wrote Lowrance and said you have a customer for life. No other company that makes anything would do that for free. I wouldn't have anything else in my boat.
I have a 1969 Starcraft Holiday. I replaced my transom for the second time a few years ago. The first time I used exterior plywood and just painted it. Was not a good idea. This time I used marine plywood and sealed it with epoxy I got from West Marine. I think it has been 4 years now and looks like new. Well worth the effort and expense. One thing I added was scuppers over the drain holes. They keep a lot of water from entering the transom area in rougher water.
I could use a spare. $30? Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Took my cousin Paul out this morning and got his first King. 34 inches. 20 feet of water 10' down on rigger NBK Stinger 100' back.
Went out this morning heading East and picked up a couple nice Kings. One 36 inches the other 25. 20 feet of water Both on Stinger spoons. One on a downrigger down 10' the other on 3 colors of lead core. Also later a 23 inch Brown in 15' of water of a rigger 5' down on a Stinger. A spoon day for me. Dragged Bay Rats all day without a strike.
We lost our West Marine in North Syracuse a couple years ago. They left us with no options other than travel. I replaced the transom on my 18 foot Starcraft a few years ago and bought my epoxy there. They had a hidden location in a tiny strip mall and I believe not many people realized they were there. They also had the windows covered from the inside and always looked like they were closed.
Looking forward to some good ice this year.
Couldn't agree more. I was looking forward to this weekend but my 18 foot boat will stay on the lift until this blows over. Other than the late start this year the fishing has been good.