I'm surprised a biologist would say there's no proof that breeding large salmon with large salmon make a large salmon. I guess it's possible but I think it most breeding programs select individuals with characteristics that you want for the best chance to get the characteristics that you want.
Even natural selection generally favors larger stronger individuals to live and reproduce.
And of course, there are many factors that influence natural selection and future population characteristics.
Thanks for this video topic Richard.
I have Mag 10's on the outside so I probably won't change over to braid but I can appreciate the pros on it.
I might change my inside Big JON riggers to braid to lessen the blowback...Occasionally I'll get one of my shallower inside cannon balls crossing over the outside cable if its out a long way.
All good to know.
I always wondered if the "singing" steel downrigger cables were OK or bad for fishing. They produce a lot of noise and vibration. However I also noticed that when the cables were singing, the speed was usually good for trolling spoon action and we did catch fish but...would we have caught more without the noise and vibration?
I would be interested in other opinions on this.
Thanks for the dual screen demo of the how the fish mark on the two frequencies. This is something I am definitely going to look at for next year.
Rudy Dyck
Lanark Highlands, ON
Love that boat and your setup!
Thanks for sharing.
Do you have a fish cleaning set up? We clean most of our fish on the water because the marina where I launch my boat closed their fish cleaning station, and its great coming off the water with the fish cleaned and on ice. I understand this might not work where there are slot sizes or other regs that would prohibit it. I have a board big enough for 25 lb salmon that fastens temporarily to the gunnel which slopes out and down a bit with holes to drain into the lake. It works OK but I'm looking for ideas on how to fasten it to the gunnel quick and solid. I'm just using strong rubber bungy cords now.
24 for 9 That's hilarious thanks for sharing. My 95-year-old father and I fished North Shore late August and went six for 12 including a double header and two break-offs. A few choice words and some head shaking but great fun!
Thanks for the tips!
Much appreciated. I've only been out a couple of times so far and caught some nice salmon up to 22 lbs in 100 to 220 FOW with rigger cables out 100 to 115 feet.
From what I have heard, the fishing on the North Shore has been a bit hit and miss.
Lanark Highlands, ON
Yes Ziploc bags work great! You can write the length of the leader or cheater on the ziplock bag so they're easy to find. I use medium size Ziploc bags.
For leaders and cheaters without hooks I just clip the snap swivels together fold them up around my hand and put them in a Ziploc bag. They never tangle and it's quick.
Greetings...Just found this site this morning and glad to join.
Looking forward to fishing Lake O out of Port Hope in a couple of weeks.
I am lucky because my 86 year old father loves to fish and there is no one on earth that watches the downrigger rods better than him! Fished there since 1997...I usually fish about 6 days per year.
Boat - 17' Sylvan Pro Fisherman, 90 hp Evinrude, 15 hp Yamaha kicker, 2 Canon Mag 10, 2 Big Jon, dipsys etc.
yes I know...pretty small boat for big water but its fine most of the time.