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  1. I bought some LED strip lights and lined the inside of a small bait bucket. It's nice to have. Make sure whatever container you use doesn't let light escape. The lights charge via a small usb battery. Could probably put one together for under $20.
  2. Nice. Sounds similar to last weekend. Thank you!
  3. Awesome. Appreciate it!
  4. Appreciate the post. It's definitely quieter than it used to be on here. Might be more people posting on the social media apps instead of Internet forums but I'm not sure.
  5. Taking my nephew out tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.
  6. What depth did you find them in? Heading out tomorrow was planning to start in 200 and head north.
  7. You’re right the last few years have been way off from what I remember the last half of august being like. We got them moving a bit yesterday though. Couple mature bites and a bunch of immatures in 4 hours or so, which is how I remember the average days being this time of year.
  8. Right on. Same 150-220 depth? Heading out in the am.
  9. Was out last night and the best screen was in 210. Got a couple small kings. Started at 415. Nothing out deep so we then trolled towards shore. Screen didn’t look great in tight either.
  10. Fleas still bad or did this lake flip get rid of them?
  11. Morning bite was crazy. Hoping the rest of July is like the last 3-4 days.
  12. Yea my 230 wire diver fired twice with good fish. I'm assuming it was down in that 70-80 range. Let my fishing partner set the rod after second fish and he let it out too fast. Reeled it up a few hours later and the dipsy and flasher fly were all twisted, so I think we definitely missed some opportunities there. Should have stuck to my policy of not letting guests set rods.
  13. Went 3/4. One teenage king. one smaller king, and one coho. Missed another teenage king. 250-275 fow. Wire diver with hammer fly (230 lead), UV green dolphin on rigger down 45, and salmon slapper on braid dipsy (150 lead) produced fish. Similar to last report in that I couldn't get a pattern going. Changed colors and spoon sizes all day. Sounds like some fish were being caught deeper. Typical June day I guess. Thought we would find some steelhead but none wanted to cooperate. Weather was great though.
  14. Fished from sunrise to noon. 200-325 fow. Landed 2 big steelhead and three cohos. Had 4 or 5 short bites as well. No real pattern developed. Caught fish on wire dipsy out 230, 45 rigger, 65 rigger, braid dipsys 135 and 150 back. Both spoons and flies took fish. Mostly green colors.
  15. Yup I’ve had both riggers set at 80 and divers out 240 feet the last couple trips. Hopefully it picks up soon.
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