Took my brother in law out tonight for two hours. He caught the 5 biggest fish in his life. This pig was the last one in and the biggest. I think the boy is pretty happy.
My brother landed one jigging a spinner bait. Destroyed his ultra light. So I can't say I'm surprised by hitting a tube. They're pretty opportunistic creatures. As for the Asian carp, YouTube the guy going after them on waterskies and a sword.
Went 1/3 tonight at Fulton. One I lost I don't think was a carp however, it frayed my 17lb folorcarbon leader. It was a big something. Ended up landing. 15lber within the first half hour.
Onondaga park has a derby every spring. It's part of the Seneca river, which has become noted for big carp. Only bonuses carp jigging, can't imagine one nailing a plug. That's got to be a trip.
For starters I'm kind of surprised there's no thred for this. Maybe start a trash fish category?
Anyway after not fishing for them for the past 10 years or so I thought I'd give them a shot the other night. I made a batch of BOLLIES during a recent rain storm and bagged them up. Went out to Fulton and fished from 11-2am( wife and daughters are asleep so it's the only time I got lately). In the 3 hours of fishing I had a perfect run of 6 for 6. Smallest was 12lbs, the biggest 22lbs. I got some goofy looks showing up with a drop net, but soon showed the POKEMON crew why it was needed. I had the first fish on before I could bait up my second rod.
Father wanted to go salmon fishing this morning. So we went out from 8-11. Didnt bend a single rod, but marked lots of bait and hooks from 80-100fow for what it's worth.
Ive run both flashers and cowbells off my cannon balls. I just put a stacker clamp a couple feet above it and it works fine. Also have put a rigger clamp at the end of the bells with success. I can't say it's helped or hurt the fishing, but it really lets you know where your rigger ball is on the graph.
Like gecko said, keep trolling. Have extra rod holders open so you move rods out of the way. Large Tupperware boxes to store flashers and divers. Or a small plastic tool box.
I stripped my islander 4 years ago and used high end cabinet plywood. Gave it two coatings of epoxy and wrapped it in marine carpet. For a fishing boat I would advise against the carpet and opt for the white plastic 4x8 sheets. If I had to do it again I think I'd talk to a sheet metal shop and have them knock up a metal floor and just rivet it down, then cover it with whatever. Mine is still holding strong the way it is and cost was under $1,000. Best of luck and check your transom for rot while you got it stripped.
I run an 88, they're great boats. Couldn't tell from the photos but if it doesn't have trim tabs, get them. these boats get out of balance pretty easy ( I can steer mine by switching what side the boat I'm while fighting fish) Also a platform off the stern is a good idea. Next to impossible to get in from the water without a swim step. Plus it's the best place for a fish cooler. I second the bag (or bucket). Enjoy.
Had a hard time keeping a southish heading in my tin can. So we didn't go back till the end of the trip. In hindsight that might've been a better call just to stay there.
Pretty windy this morning on top of little bit of engine trouble at the launch things were not looking good. Got the engine fixed and made it out from 7-10 (sucked sitting at the dock tinkering watching the fleet roll out). Dropped the first rigger in 120fow at 115 down, went to start the second rigger and had a fish hit the first one, sweet. Landed the 15lb King on a spoon. Worked out to 200, and back to 150 the rest of the morning moving east ( a lot of boats moved west, not sure what they were doing radio was silent). Marked hooks, but nothing hit. Switched to a laker setup on the way in, ended the day with a 15inch King on a peanut in 50fow.
Hit the water at first light and started fishing at 150 fow. Riggers were the only thing being productive. Went 1/3 for the day. Landed one King and never saw the other 2. All the action 7-8am in 300-350fow down 100-120 on spoons. Lake started out the morning with big rollers, but laid down by the afternoon.