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Everything posted by NVus88

  1. NVus88

    Cross Lake

    For those that don't know it, it's located in Cato NY. About a half hour south of Fairheaven and Oswego. Launch at the north end is open to the public at $10 to launch, season pass is around $80. Fish wise it's got about everything you'd find in the Senica river/ canal. It's my go to for quick trips or days the big lake is nasty. If you're looking to boat fish for the kids or a fish fry, the species to target are silver perch. This lake if full of them and they're tasty. Trolling spoons at 30ft down with dipseys or just 1oz lead is the best way to get them. Average size using spoons ( same ones for salmon) is 12-14". When you find them it's not uncommon to have multiple rods fire at the same time. As a bonus bigger fish such as cats, pike and walleye are also picked up using this same set up. South half of the lake seems to be the most productive. So if you want to keep kids busy, give it a try.
  2. ADK- fairheaven to Oswego takes about 45mins @ 20-25mph, but depends on how the lake is. Very doable and good fishing between the two. I also struck out last night and took a look at the lake this morning and thought better of it. Kinda nasty out today, so off to cross lake for pike instead.
  3. Going to be all kinds of interesting stuff floating in the lake come Monday
  4. Oh and what looked like drones were out buzzing around.
  5. Went out for about 3 hours this evening. Started west at 200fow and zig zagged my way back in. Didn't bend any rods, running flys at 90 and 120. Spoon under a dipsey and cheaters. But had fish showing up on the graph streaking through my riggers. Probably happened a dozen times, mostly on the 90. The lake treated me nice for a solo trip.
  6. Eel bay off the west side of Wellesly island. Drift and cast at first light till you can't cast anymore. Throw spoons and spinners in 6-20 foot of water, and reel them in fast. If you have Loco spoons they never let me down. Windy days with light chop and big clouds is a bonus, they seem the hit when the light changes as clouds pass the sun. Any bays in that area are a good place to look, north side of Grinstone is great as well. Just don't go into Canada. Good luck and have fun.
  7. Headed out Monday and will report what I find
  8. Salmon tend to do reaction strikes to things that bug them this time of year. Go big on one rod atleast and see what happens.
  9. Green hornet- you ever try just fishing the river mouths on bad days. Oswego seems like it would be calm enough for the kayak. Sterling creek at fair heaven might be worth a look as well.
  10. No luck for me. Best marks I was getting were over 70fow 20-30 down. I stayed inside 50fow most the day and am seriously regretting it looking back.
  11. Making a trip in morning. Anyone else going to be out?
  12. The one King is all that made the box. One strike out at 600 on same rig but didn't hook. Bait is thick from 250-350 and all bait is 100-150 down.
  13. 25lb king in the box. Green on green ff 110 over 400
  14. 2-3 footers with occasional 4s coming from the north. Wind is about 10.
  15. Headed out in the morning. Will post when I get back. If you see a ratty looking blue Starcraft islander called NVus say hi.
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