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Everything posted by eman89so

  1. Custom powder painted jigs with stingers multiple sizes and colors $3.. and powder painted vibes.. $3.50. Plus shipping usually 5 to 8 dollars. Both are proven and do very well. Send me a message
  2. I'll take these
  3. Fishnut I thought cannons have lifetime warranty on motor
  4. 360 obo shipped for all 4. I'll be in oak this weekend will knock 20 off for face to face... you need to provide your own bases these will not come with base
  5. Junk. Too many moving parts. Won't stand behind their product. Buy once cry once. Cisco life time warranty
  6. These do not have bases you will have to get them. 175 shipped. Still have 2 cradles for sale as well with no bases. Can do a package deal for 340 shipped for all 4. Pm me
  7. Looking for track bases for a couple single ciscos. Thanks
  8. Never ended up getting into the leadcore fishing. These were used 1 time. Has backing, 5 colors, and leader ready to fish. $140 shipped
  9. 2 cisco cradles with no bases. You will need to get track bases or whatever base you need/want. 180shipped https://www.fishusa.com/product/Cisco-Single-Adjustable-Short-Cradle-Rod-Holder
  10. Looking to buy 2 copper rods. I'll be at oak orchard until Sunday. Pm me
  11. 2 blue Cisco singles on rail mount. 180shipped. They are 138.99 plus shipping on ciscos website.
  12. 1 season old. Bought summer of 2016. 8 total. The 1 has a funky handle you have to play with it. Another 1 needs a black plastic piece to hold it upright the part is a couple bucks. 625 shipped total for all 8. Located in Pittsburgh.
  13. Make me a offer
  14. Bump 80 shipped
  15. Deep walleye cranks.. Yozuris and reefs 10 deep cranks. 8 are new. 7 yozuris 3 reef 800s.. 55 shipped. Pm me. Thanks
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