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  1. Bite was shallow on the north side of the lake. 90 to 140 and fish between 40 and 80. Went 15 for 22 on Saturday. All spoon no flashers.
  2. NK lures are back in production Here is the link for the information http://www.outdoorcanada.ca/NKlures
  3. I've been fishing since I was 3 and have always loved being in or around water. I started out fishing pike, bass, pickerel and pan fish. When I moved to southern ontario I started fishing for carp, catfish, and salmon. I finally bought my first center pin and need to get some experience on it before the upcoming salmon run. At least the salmon season will give me time to get better before the rainbow and brown trout run. I also ice fish all throughout the winter. If anyone is interested in giving advise about the pin I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks and tight lines
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